Extensive Reading Lesson 62
日期:2014-01-02 21:36  点击:364



第十九届金鸡百花电影节周六在长江边的江苏小城江阴落下帷幕。 The 19th China Golden Rooster and Full Blossom Festival ended Saturday in Jiangyin, a small city on the banks of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province.
The 19th China Golden Rooster and Full Blossom Festival ended Saturday in Jiangyin, a small city on the banks of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province.

中新社报道,为期5天的第十九届金鸡百花电影节 周六在长江边的江苏小城江阴落下帷幕,尽管江阴投入了极大的热情和财力物力,但仍旧难挽电影节颓势,周迅、范冰冰、黄晓明等提名奖获得者纷纷缺席,从昨晚 的评选结果看,发展至今的百花奖,已成为一场“从开始就能窥到结局”的小把戏。

电影《建国大业》获得最佳影片,赵薇和陈坤无悬念成为百花奖“帝后”, 冯小刚凭2008年的浪漫喜剧《非诚勿扰》获最佳导演,苏有朋凭借《风声》如愿成为最佳男配角,许晴、王嘉并列获得最佳女配角,徐箭凭借《惊天动地》获得最佳新人奖。

由于承办地具有很大的流动性,金鸡百花电影节也迅速成为国内某些城市推广城市形象的新 手段。为了举办这届电影节,江阴投入达5000万,值得一提的是,江阴市政府没有投入毫厘,所有资金几乎都来自近百家赞助商。江阴还新建了国际会展中心作 为颁奖礼的主场馆,并建立了一家大型影城,还将原先的两家三星级酒店的标准升级为五星,主干道也进行了再规划。同时,江阴也将自己的城市广告打进各大媒体 头版。

中国将明确人名汉语拼音拼写规则 姓在前名在后










No surprise at film festival

The 19th China Golden Rooster and Full Blossom Festival ended Saturday in Jiangyin, a small city on the banks of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province, China News Service reports. Despite the city's large investments in the film festival, it is becoming less popular. Several nominees, such as Zhou Xun, Huang Xiaoming and Fan Bingbing, did not attend the five-day festival, apparently knowing they would not win any awards.

The Founding of the Republic won Best Feature Film. Favorites Chen Kun and Vicki Zhao picked up Best Leading Actor and Actress awards. Feng Xiaogang won Best Director for his 2008 romantic comedy If You Are the One. Alec Su won Best Supporting Actor for the spy film The Message, while Xu Qing and Wang Jia were named Best Supporting Actresses. The Best New Artist award was given to Xu Jian for her outstanding performance in Jing Tian Dong Di.

Held in a different city each year, the film festival has become a new method for many cities to promote their image. To host the festival this year, Jiangyin made headlines by raising 50 million yuan from hundreds of sponsors to build a large theatre and an international exhibition center for the main venues. Two three-star hotels were upgraded to five stars, and the main roads were revamped. Not a single yuan came from the city government.

Regulations unifying pinyin spelling of names to be launched

Ministry of Education Language Information Management Bureau Chief Li Yuming stated yesterday that regulations unifying the pinyin spelling of names will soon be launched. These regulations will require family names to be written first followed by given names.

China's top 10 leisure cities

Hangzhou tops the 2010 China's Top 10 Leisure Cities released yesterday at the leisure development forum in Nanjing, Xiaokang Magazine reports. The other cities are Chengdu, Nanjing, Yinchuan, Jilin, Yangzhou, Zhanjiang, Hulun Buir, Qinhuangdao and Zhoushan.

Cooking oil prices up 10% since July

The average price for imported soybean has been rising for the past three months, sparking cooking oil makers to raise their prices on soybean, peanut and corn oil, Yicai.com reports. Cooking oil prices have increased 10 percent since July. A 5-liter bottle of cooking oil now costs 6 to 10 yuan more.

Most children rely on parents

A recent survey shows that in more than 65 percent of families, children rely on their parents financially, Beijing Evening News reports. Thirty percent of adults still rely on their parents for part of or all their living expenses.

China billionaire population grows

China now has 1,363 billionaires, 97 of whom have more than 10 billion yuan, Economic Observer reports. Their population has surged in the last decade, fueled by the real estate and stock market booms. There were just 24 billionaires 10 years ago, and only one person had more than 10 billion yuan.


03/04 22:56
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