I Can Speak Better Than Chinese Do
日期:2015-08-25 21:40  点击:1087


“她说我说的中文比中国人还标准。”瑞江明一脸骄傲的对我说。给与他这个评价的是他的一个中国朋友,当时他们在一起吃午饭,他随意说了一句“不知道”, 却招来朋友惊讶的目光,觉得他说这话的口音和地道的北京人没什么两样,后来朋友又让另一个外地同学说同样的话,却没有办法说出地道的口音。

瑞江明来自孟加拉国的首都达卡,是全国政治、经济和文化的中心。 他最初认识中国是通过一本书,读完之后,他便对中国充满了好奇。2006年8月他开始了在达卡大学的中文学习。孟加拉语和汉语有很大的差别,还有“zi,ci,si,zhi,chi,shi” 这些发音在孟加拉语里都没有。最困难得还是中文的书写,笔画的顺序,要记住先写横还是先写竖。当谈到如何能在这么短的时间内把中文学好, 他的表情变的严肃起来,“要想把困难的事情做好,必须要热爱所学的东西”是他在学习中的座右铭,正是对中文的热爱使瑞江民能很快的学好中文。

来到中国以后,他惊叹于中国的现代化与中国人民的热情,由于天性乐观开朗,他来到中国以后交到了许多要好的中国朋友。在学习累的时候,晚上出去跳舞。他非常喜欢去公园,附近的公园像紫竹院,玉渊潭等等。他也利用假期的时间游览长城,颐和园,北海,雍和宫,外地由西安,黄山,泰山等等。但是他还是最喜欢北京,因为北京的历史悠久,有许多古老的建筑,胡同,四合院。谈起最新的动向时,他提起最近参加的“我与北京奥运”演讲比赛,瑞江明脱颖而出,进入了复赛,所有的人都称赞他。他的演讲中有一个非常大的亮点,就是他在演讲中加入了一首奥运会的主题歌“我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地”,赢得的大家的一致好评。对于未来,他希望将中文学好之后,一年后能在中国学习计算机专业,他希望能在中国工作将赚的钱拿回国投资或者回孟加拉建设祖国。

I Can Speak Better Than Chinese Do

"She said that I spoke Chinese better than some Chinese people." Rui Jiang Ming told me proudly. This compliment came from one of his Chinese friends while they were having lunch together. He said “I don't know.” in Chinese which surprised his friends because his accent was nearly the same to those authentic Beijingers. When one of the Chinese girl were asked to pronounce the same sentence, he found that she cannot do the accent as he did, then he found out that some Chinese people from out of Beijing cannot do the Beijing accent as good as he did.

Rui Jiang Ming came from the capital city of People's Republic of Bangladesh Dhaka which is politic, economy and culture center of the nation. His first impression about a country named China came from a book. After reading it, he became curious about China. He began his study in the University of Dhaka since August 2006. There is a huge different between Bengali and Chinese that there is no such pronunciation as “zi, ci, si, zhi, chi, shi” in Bengali. The most difficult thing for one that trying to learn Chinese is that you must remember the sequence of the writing of every words, some starting from left, some from top and others from outside to inside. When asked about how to learn Chinese in such a short period, he became serious. “You have to love what you are learning even when the thing is extremely difficult.” is a motto that he believe in during the study of Chinese, it is the passion for Chinese that encourage him never stopping learning Chinese.

After he came to China, he was shocked by the modernization of China and the hospitality of Chinese people. Because of his sanguinity nature, he made a lot of Chinese friends. When he is too tired of studying, he went out dancing with his friends. His favorite spots in Beijing is parks, when he has a little time, he likes to spend it in the park like Zi Zhu Yuan and Yu Yuan Tan Park. He also use his vocation traveling around China. He went to the Great Wall, Summer Palace, Beihai Park, Honghe Lama Temple and also some places other than Beijing like Xian, Huang Mountain, Tai Mountain. When talking about the things that he has been up to lately, he mentioned a Speech Competition entitled “Beijing Olympic and me”. He said he could enter the second round because he used a little trick which is the Olympic song “Beijing, Welcome You”. He receives unanimous compliments from the students and from the principles.

about future, he hopes to major in Computer after these years Chinese studying. He wish to work in China and invest his money back to Bangladesh or go back to Dhaka and contribute himself to the development of his nation.


12/05 03:21
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