中国菜名(中英对照)Italian Food 意大利食品
日期:2015-08-30 18:52  点击:720
  - Baked ziti (pasta baked in the oven)
- Spaghetti with meatballs 意式肉丸意粉
- Garlic bread 香蒜饱
- Chicken rice doria 意式鸡皇焗饭
- Veal parmigian (veal topped with sauce and cheese) 芝士小牛肉
- Shrimp marinara (tantalizing prawns with spaghetti) 大虾意粉
- Cold seafood salad 海鲜沙律
- Fettuccine alla carbonara (spaghetti with a creamy white sauce) 白汁意大利面食
- Pizza 意大利式烤馅饼
- Lasagna (flat pasta noodle with meat sauce) 意式千层阔面
- Spaghetti with meat sauce 意式肉酱意粉
- Spaghetti with tomato sauce 蕃茄酱意粉
- Spaghetti alla bucaniera (spaghetti with seafood) 海鲜意粉
- Salami 萨拉米香肠
- Pasta alfredo 白汁意大利面食
- Caffe Americano (American-style coffee, but stronger) 美式咖啡
- Fishermans rizotto (seafood with rice) 意式海鲜饭


09/24 02:31
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