中国菜名(中英对照)French Food 法国食品
日期:2015-08-30 18:53  点击:527
  - Escargot (snails) 法国蜗牛
- Potato croquettes 法式炸马铃薯肉饼
- Crisp mushroom and chestnut pastries 蘑菇栗子酥皮点心
- Crusty French bread 法式面包
- French apple tart 法式苹果挞
- Potato omelet 马铃薯奄列
- Potato and Spinach Croquettes 法式炸马铃薯菠菜肉饼
- Seafood coconut soup海鲜椰子汤
- Salade hermine (chicken salad) 鸡肉沙律
- Omelette aux fines herbes (fresh herb omelette) 香草奄列
- Paves de rumsteak au poivre vert sirlon steaks with green peppercorns) 黑椒西冷牛扒
- Feuilletes de saumon (salmon with lime sauce) 烤三文鱼伴青柠汁
- Concorde (chocolate meringue cake filled with chocolate mousse) 巧克力蛋白甜饼
- Croissant 牛角包
- Gratine a l‘‘oignon (classic onion soup) 法国洋葱汤
- Hors d‘‘oeuvres (starters) 开胃品
- French mixed vegetable soup 法式杂菜汤
- Goat cheese salad 暖羊奶芝士沙
- Chutney veal curry French style 法国查尼酱小牛肉咖喱
- Braised tripe in red wine 芥酱红酒牛肚
- Creme caramel (caramel custards) 焦糖软冻
- Grilled lamb chops 烧羊扒
- French toast 西多士
- Apple gateau 苹果蛋糕


09/24 02:26
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