Food in 24 Solar Terms24节气养生法
日期:2015-08-30 19:26  点击:572

Feb.3-5 立春 Spring Begins
Beginning of spring,temprature rises and nature wakes. Spring belongs to Wood in the Five Elements, correspongding to Liver in the Five Internal Organs, more pungent food and less acidic food to care liver.

Feb.18-20 雨水 The Rains
Rain more and temperature higher, nurse and harmonize Liver and Spleen, more outdoor activities to prevent being spring sleepy.

Mar.5-7 惊蛰 Insects Awaken
Thunder appears and insects awaken, warm clothing and exercises help to cope with changeable weather, drink more water

Mar.20-22 春分 Vernal Equinox
Day and night half split, or half Yin and half Yang, be aware to balance Yin and Yang, light food to clear body heat and toxic, warm and invigorate Yang Qi

Apr.4-6 清明 Pure Brightness
sky is clear and scene on the earth is bright, Yang rises, tonics not recommended, lite food to release high blood pressure

Apr.19-21 谷雨 Grain Rain
气温迅速回升,昼夜温差大。适度保暖。神经痛高发。多食蔬菜,调理肠胃,降火气。 temperature rises rapidly and varies greatly, be sure to keep warm, prevent neuralgia, more vegetable to release the internal heat

May.5-7 立夏 Summer Begins
Belongs to Fire in the Five Element, correspongding to Heart in the Five Internal Organs, drink more water to release internal heat, special care for heart

May.20-22 小满 Grain Buds
humid weather, pay attention to prevent measles, bland diet such as beans,cucumber,locus root, less meat and seafood

Jun.5-7 芒种 Grain in Beard
humid and hot weather, prevent infective disease, get enough sleep, nap at noon and sports recommended,self mental care, lite diet

Jun.21-22 夏至 Summer Solstice
longest day-time and hot weather, good time to treat winter diseases, pranayama and meditation needed, more water and vitamins,necessary salt taking,relieving summer-heat to eliminate heart-fire

July.6-8 小暑 Slight Heat
热浪袭人,时有暴雨。肠胃吸收力下降,消化道疾病多发,注意饮食卫生。顾护心阳,平心静气 hot weather with storm, easy to get digestive disease for weak function of the stomach, more care for food hygiene, conservative Yang Qi of heart

July.22-24 大暑 Great Heat
Hottest time of the year, many rains, take Yin-nourishing food to avoid summer heat hearts Body Fluids, prevent heatstroke and inappetence, light food and enough rest

August.7-9 立秋 Autumn Begins
气候渐变,天气燥热,易伤津液。秋时肺金当令,肺喜润勿燥,多食酸味果蔬,滋阴润肺 Beginning of autumn, autumn belongs to Gold in Five Elements, corresponding to Lung in the Five Internal Organs, Lung like moisture but hate dryness, more acidic fruits and vegatable to cope with dry weather, stomach and linger care to get away from autumn cool

August.22-24 处暑 Stopping of Heat
暑气至此而止。暑热犹存,天气逐渐转凉。调整睡眠时间,饮食宜清热解暑之品 temprature drops slightly but summar heats remains, adjust sleeping time, heat-clearing food is suitable

September.7-9 白露 White Dews
weather gets cool, prevent otolaryngologic disease and disorder of the bronchi,especially for allergic ones, more food of nourishing yin and moisturizing the lung is beneficial

September.22-24 秋分 Autumn Equinox
day-time and light-time is equal, health care for Yin-Yang balance, optimistic psychotherapy to countervail bleak scene, maintain vigour, nourish Yin and reliev Dryness

October.8-9 寒露 Cold Dews
气候转寒,热冷变化明显。人体阳气渐退,阴气渐生,饮食清淡柔润,起居注意保暖 weather turns cold and changes obviously, Yang decreases while Yin rises in body, keep warm, take light and nutritious food

October.23-24 霜降 Hoar-Frost Falls
low temprature, mild tonification, more lung care to prevent respiratory diseases , eat pear,apple,olives,onions..

November.7-8 立冬 Winter Begins
temprature drops rapidly, "winter begins, tonic practices", more high carolie food to keep power, more vitamins, preserve Yin and Yang

November.22-23 小雪 Light Snow
weather is chilly and haze, do more outdoor activities to prevent blue mood, soothe nerves and regulate breath, eat more fruits and vegatables

December.6-8 大雪 Great Snow
frosty air, good season for nourishing, prevent esthma, more body exercises to build up health, keep up spirits, modify diet

December.21-23 冬至 Winter Solstice
Yin Qi comes to it's extreme, Yang Qi buds, waether is cold, internal Yin rising, keep warm and supplement high carolie food in time

January.5-7 小寒 Slight Cold
the coldest time of year, protect against the bitter cold,saying " build up health in winter, have no disease coming year", nourishing Yang and store essence, warm and invigorate Qi, blood, Yin and Yang that impaired in winter

January.20-21 大寒 Great Cold
shivery weather, harmonize Qi and Blood, prevent cardiovascular disease


09/23 22:35
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