日期:2015-09-06 20:16  点击:407
背景 - Context
A careless young man buys a used bicycle and equips it with a lantern made of paper. Here is the adventure that follows:

 精彩对白 - Quotes
A: 五分钱(wǔfēnqián)买(mǎi)个(gè)纸灯笼(zhǐdēnglong)。点好了(diǎnhǎole)骑上车(qíshàngchē)一手(yīshǒu)扶把(fúbǎ)。
It costs 5 cents to buy a lantern. After lighting it, I rode my bicycle with one arm.

B: 你(nǐ)怎么(zěnme)一手(yīshǒu)扶把(fúbǎ)啊(ā)?
Why did you ride with one arm?

The other is busy in holding the lantern.

B: 他(tā)净(jìng)干(gàn)这(zhè)悬事(xuánshì)。
(To audience) He always does risky things like this.

A: 我(wǒ)刚(gāng)骑上(qíshàng)了(le),有(yǒu)蹬三轮的(dēngsānlúnde)冲(chōng)我(wǒ)嚷(rǎng),嘿(hēi),下来(xiàlái)啊(ā),下来(xiàlái)啊(ā)。
As soon as I got on the bicycle, a man riding a rickshaw shouted to me, “Hey, get off, get off.”

B: 我(wǒ)心(xīn)说(shuō)你(nǐ)老实(lǎoshí)那(nà)呆会(dāihuì)好不好(hǎobùhǎo)?他(tā)还(hái)嚷(rǎng),灯(dēng)。
I thought to myself, why can’t you just be quiet? He shouted again, “Lantern.”

A: 我(wǒ)说(shuō)你(nǐ)瞎子(xiāzi),瞧不见(qiáobújiàn)这是(zhèshì)灯(dēng)?他(tā)还(hái)嚷(rǎng),着了(zhále)。
I said, “Are you blind? Can’t you see it’s a lantern? He kept shouting, “Fire. (In the original Chinese, this is a pun. The word Zhao Le also means to ‘be lit up’)”.

Bullshit. How can you call it a lantern if it can’t be lit. Then I looked at my lantern, and got off from my bicycle at once.

Wasn’t it lit?

A: 连(lián)袖子(xiùzǐ)都(dōu)着了(zhále)。
Everything including my sleeve.


03/04 04:06
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