Why do Chinese Sweep Tomb on Qingming?清明祭祖的原因
日期:2015-09-28 20:43  点击:371
Grave-sweeping is a traditional custom in Chingming festival. Why do we visit the graves of their ancestors? Long time ago, there was a king named Liu Pang(刘邦). When he won the war and became a king, he went back to his country with honor. Liu Pang wanted to express his respect and appreciation for his parents, so he went to his parents’ tombs to burn incense. However, he couldn’t find their tombs because of the war. Liu Pang felt very sad, but he didn’t give up. Suddenly, he got an idea. He took out a sheet of paper, tore it to many pieces, and threw it into sky. At that time, he praised, “ God, Please help me to find my parents’ tombs. Let these small pieces of paper freeze at one place. Lead me to find the tombs.” It was so strange that those small pieces of paper stop at one place. Finally Liu Pang found his parents’ tombs by following these papers. That’s why we put some pieces of color papers under small stones on the ancestors’ tombs.

Known as the Grave-sweeping or Spring Remembrance, Ching Ming ("clear and bright"), is when Chinese families show their respect by visiting the graves of their ancestors to clear away weeds, touch up gravestone inscriptions and make offerings of wine and fruit. Ancestor worship is a Chinese tradition dating back thousands of years.


03/20 20:16
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