Mandarin Jokes --- Chinese reading order
日期:2015-09-28 20:44  点击:418
This Mandarin Chinese joke will be presented in Chinese characters, followed by Pinyin Romanization, an English translation, and an explanation.

Yǒu yī wèi xiǎojie qù dā gōng chē, tā bùguǎn dàole nǎ yī zhàn tā dōu zhàn qǐlai yīxià, wèi shénme ne?
Yīnwei tā bǎ “Xià yī zhàn tíngchē” kàn chéng “Chē tíng zhàn yīxià” la !

Traditional Characters

Simplified Characters

English Translation
There is a young woman riding on a bus, and everytime the bus comes to a stop, she stands up. Why?
Because instead of reading the sign as “Stopping at the next bus stop”, she reads “When the bus stops, stand up”!

When riding a bus in Taipei (and perhaps also in Chinese cities), you push a button to let the driver know you want off at the next stop. The button causes a sign to light up, which reads “下一站停車”. If these characters are read right to left, they mean “When the bus stops, stand up”.

Chinese characters can be read left to right, right to left, or top to bottom. This is the basis for the following Mandarin Chinese joke about a young woman on a bus.


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