Mind Chicken Soup(心灵鸡汤):掌声响起(Zhǎngshēng xiǎngqǐ)
日期:2015-09-28 21:35  点击:475
Jìdé nà yìchǎng biǎoyǎn, táixià guānzhòngmen de zhǎngshēng kěndìng le wǒde nǔlì, liànwǔ shí de diǎndiǎndīdī fúxiàn zài nǎohǎi zhōng, táishàng de wǒ shì xiàode, yǎnlèi háishì cóng yǎnkuàng zhōng dīluò xiàlái……
I still remember that performance. The audience confirmed my effort with their thunderous applause. All the details of practicing before the show came into my mind. I was wearing a smile on the stage, but my tears kept coming out of my eyes.
Shìqíng shì zhèyàng de: yìnián qián, yè lǎoshī gàosù wǒ, tā xiǎng bàn yìchǎng chéngguǒ fābiǎohuì, xiǎng ràng wǒ tiāozhàn zìjǐ, xīwàng wǒ néng tiào yìzhī gāonándù de dú wǔ. Dāngshí de wǒ zhī jué de hěn xìngfèn, érqiě quèxìn xué wǔ kuài shínián de wǒ néng bǎ nàzhī wǔdǎo tiào dé hěn wánměi. Shuí zhīdào, zhè quèshì tòngkǔ de kāishǐ.
One year ago, Ms. Ye told me that she wanted to organize a demonstration show. She wanted me to challenge myself to perform a difficult solo dance. I felt very excited at that time and was confident because I believed that after 10 years of learning, I could make it perfect. However, I did not realize that it was only the start of the pain.
Gāng kāishǐ, yè lǎoshī ràng wǒ huíjiā kàn yǐngpiàn, ránhòu lǎoshī zài yígè dòngzuò yígè dòngzuò de jiāo wǒ, wǒ hěnkuài jiù xuéhuì dòngzuò, bìng búnán, dànshì yè lǎoshī què yí zài de gēn wǒ shuō:” Búshì zhèyàng de, nǐ huí qù zài xiǎngxiang.” Wǒ hěn nàmèn, yīnwèi wǒ de dòngzuò dōushì duì de , nà cuò wù de dìfāng zài nǎlǐ? Wǒ měitiān dōu qù jiāoshì liàn, xiǎng zhǎochū búduì de dìfāng, liàn dào jiǎo dōu móchū hǎoduō hǎoduō de shuǐpào, wǒ xiǎngpòtóu, yě bù zhīdào shì nǎlǐ chū le wèntí.
At the beginning, Ms. Ye asked me to watch the video at home. Then she taught me step by step. I learned all the movements quickly. They were not very difficult. But Ms. Ye said to me again and again, “It is not like this. You should think about it.” I was confused, because all my movements were correct. What’s the problem? I wanted to find out the answer and practiced every day in the classroom. I practiced so hard that a lot of blisters began to arise on my feet. I racked my brain, but still cannot figure out the reason for my problem.
Wǒ kūle, wǒ hǎo xiǎng yào fàngqì, zhídào bǎ yǐngpiàn ná chūlái zài kàn yíbiàn, zhè cái huǎngrándàwù, wǒ cái le jiědào zhēnzhèng de píngjǐng——“wǒ méiyǒu chāoyuè zìjǐ, wéi yǒu tūpò zìjǐ cái néng ràng biérén gǎndòng “. Hòulái, zhàoyàng měitiān liànxí de wǒ, suīrán jiǎoshàng móchū de shuǐpào gèng duō le, dàn zhè yíqiē yídìng shì zhídé de, suǒyǐ wǒ méikū, fǎn’ér shì gèng táozuì zài wǔdǎo de qínggǎn lǐ. Lǎoshī kànguò wǒ tiàowǔ hòu, zànshǎng de diǎndiǎn tóu, wǒ zhīdào wǒ de lǐngwù shì zhèngquè de.
I cried. I wanted to give up until I watched the video again. I suddenly realized the real bottleneck. “I did not surpass myself. I have to move myself first then I can really move others.” Later, though I still practiced everyday and got more blisters on my feet, I knew all of it was worthwhile. I did not cry, but more immersed myself in the emotion of the music. After watching my dance, Ms. Ye nodded with praise. I knew my understanding was right.
Biǎoyǎn shí, wǒ yǐjīng hé yīn yuè róngwéi yìtǐ, zhè shì dìyícì wǒ qīngchǔ wǔdǎo hé yīnyuè xiǎng biǎodá shénme. Dāng táixià zhǎngshēng xiǎngqǐ, wǒ zhīdào wǒ chénggōng de chāoyuè zìjǐ, ér zhè yízhènzhèn rúléi de zhǎngshēng ràng wǒ xiào le, yě shǐ wǒ kū le.表演时,我已经和音乐融为一体,这是第一次我清楚舞蹈和音乐想表达什么。当台下掌声响起,我知道我成功地超越自己,而这一阵阵如雷的掌声让我笑了,也使我哭了。
When I was on the stage, I integrated the movements with the music. For the first time, I was clear about the expression of the music and the dance. When I heard the applause, I knew I had surpassed myself. The thunderous applause made me laugh, but with tears.
New words
掌声zhǎng shēng:applause
舞台wǔ tái:stage
领悟lǐng wù:comprehend


03/12 01:05
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