Mind Chicken soup(心灵鸡汤):清晨qīng chén(Morning)
日期:2015-09-28 21:53  点击:383
Huǒhóng de tàiyáng zhèng cóng shān de nà yìtóu chūlái, héyè shàng de lùzhū zhèng huǎnhuǎn zhēngfā,tiānkōng jiànjiàn tuìqù měilì de wǎnlǐfú, dàdì yòu chóngxīn huīfù yǐwǎng de shēngjī, zhè jiùshì qīngchén.
Duìyú mǒuxiērén éryán, qīngchén wǎngwǎng shì tóunǎo zuì qīngxǐng de shíkè, zài bùjiǔ qián, wǒ jiārù tāmen de qúntǐ.
Qùnián xiàtiān, yǒu yícì wǒ qǐde tèbié zǎo, duìmiàn de tiānkōng cái gānggāng lùchū yìdiǎn cuǐcàn de yángguāng, wǒ biàn qiánwǎng xuéxiào de cāochǎng chénpǎo, zài huíjiā chōng gè rèshuǐzǎo, nàduàn shíjiān kěyǐshuō shì wǒ céngjīng yōngyǒu guò zuì měihǎo de sh guāng. wǒ tǎngzài róuruǎn de shāfā shàng chénsī, tūrán nǎozǐlǐ língguāng zhà xiàn, xiǎngdào le yǒu rén céngjīng shuōguò:"qīngchén shì nǎojīn zuì qīngxǐng de shíkè. "wǒ biàn náqǐ le xuéxiào de shùxué kèběn, jìnxíng wèizhīshù de fùzá yùnsuàn, lìng wǒ jīngqí de shì, wǒ jūrán lián bàn tí dōu méiyǒu cuò. cóngcǐ yǐhòu, wǒ jiù yǎngchéng le zhèyàng de hǎo xíguàn, ér wǒ de gōngkè yě yìzhí mínglièqiánmáo, ràng línjū dōu zànbùjuékǒu.
Duìyú mǒuxiē dòngwù éryán. qīngchén zǒngshì tāmen shēngmìng zài dù sūxǐng de yíkè .
Gōngjī xiǎngliàng de tíshēng jiàoxǐng le wànwù, dàdì shàng de yíqiè zàidù chōngmǎn shēngjī, xiǎocǎo xīnxīnxiàngróng, lìngrén gǎndào huōrán kāilǎng, zhè jiùshì qīngchén.
Súyǔ shuō:"yírì zhī jì zàiyú chén ",qīngchén sāxià liánghǎo de zhǒngzǐ, zài yìtiān zhōng, yào rúhé shōuchéng, nà jiù yào kàn gèrén de yìyuàn le.
When the red sun is coming out from the other side of the hill, when the dewdrops on lotus leaves are drying, when the sky is slowly taking off its beautiful evening dress, when the earth is regaining its vitality, it is the early morning.
For some people, they have the soberest mind in the morning. Not long before, I joined them.
Last summer, one day I got up really early. There was only a little sunlight in the sky. I went to the playground of the school for a morning jogging and then went home for a hot water shower. That period was the best time I ever had. I lied on the soft sofa and immersed myself in the deep thinking. Suddenly, I was enlightened and recalled that someone once said, “Early morning is the best moment for a cool mind.” I took the math textbook out and began to do a complicated calculation of x factor. To my surprise, I did not even make one mistake. Since then, I formed a good habit of studying in the early morning and always got the best grades in the class. All my neighbors rained praise on me.
For some animals, the early morning is the time to have their life revitalized.
The loud crow of roosters wakes up all the creatures. All the things on earth are full of vitality again, even the little grass. People feel so refreshed. It is the function of the early morning.
As the old saying goes, “An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.” You can sow in the morning, but how and what to reap during the day is up to you.
New Words:
清晨qīng chén :morning;
收成shōu chéng:harvest;
欣欣向荣xīn xīn xiàng róng:flourishing;
一日之计在于晨yí rì zhī jì zài yú chén :Morning hours is the best time of the day to work.


03/12 00:56
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