Wearing the Wrong Boots
日期:2015-09-28 21:59  点击:350
yíɡerén chūmén,chuāncuòle xuēzi,zǒuqǐlùlái yìjiǎoɡāo yìjiǎodī,hěnbù shūfu。tā ɡǎndào hěnqíɡuài,shuō:“ jīntiān wǒdetuǐ chūmáobìnɡle? wèishénme yìtiáotuǐ chánɡ yìtiáotuǐ duǎn?” yíɡe ɡuòlùderén ɡàosùtā shì xuēzi chuāncuòle。tā dītóu kànlekàn,fāxiàn ɡuǒrán rúcǐ,mánɡ rànɡ púrén huíjiā qùná xuēzi。 yíhuìer púrén kōnɡzheshǒu pǎohuílái shuō:“ búyònɡ huànle jiālǐde liǎnɡzhī yěshì yìzhīhòu,yìzhībáo。”

Wearing the Wrong Boots

A man went out with the wrong boots,one with a thick sole and the other with a thin one.As he began to walk, he felt uncomfortable for one foot was higher than the other. He felt this strange and said,"Is there something wrong with my legs today? Why is one of my legs long ,and the other short?" A passerby told him that he was wearing the wrong boots. He looked down and found that it was really so.He hastily asked his servant to go back home and get another pair. In a little while the servant ran back empty-handed."There's no need to change them."he said,"The pair at home is the same, one with a thick sole and the other one with a thin one."


03/11 09:24
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