Chinese idioms:The Tiger Behind the Fox 狐假虎威
日期:2015-09-29 19:18  点击:434

lǎohǔ zhuōdàole yìzhī húlí。húlí shuō,“nǐzěnɡǎn chīwǒ!wǒ shì tiāndì pàiláide bǎishòu zhīwánɡ。jīntiān nǐyàoshì chīlewǒ,jiùshì wéikànɡ tiāndì demìnɡ lìnɡyà!nǐyàoshì búxìn,wǒ zài qiánmiàn zǒu,nǐ zài hòumiàn ɡēnzhe,kànzhe bǎishòu jiànle wǒ,yǒu ɡǎn bù táozǒude mɑ? lǎohǔ tónɡyìle,jiù ɡēnzhe húlí zǒuqù。ɡuǒrán,bǎishòu jiànle tāmen,dōu zhēnɡxiānɡ táomìnɡ。lǎohǔ jīnɡyàbùyǐ,rènwéi húlí zhēnshì bǎishòuzhī wánɡ,jiùzǒukāile。


The Tiger Behind the Fox

A tiger caught a fox.
The fox said,"You wouldn't dare eat me!The gods in Heaven have made me the leader of all animals.It would be a violation of the gods'mandate for youto make a meal of me!If you doubt it,let me walk in front,and you follow to see if animal dares stand his ground ."

The tiger consented and went with the fox ,nose to heels.Indeed,every animal that saw them fled. Amazed,and thinking that the fox was leader of all animals,the tiger went on his way.


03/11 03:16
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