日期:2015-09-29 19:35  点击:333
shān jū qiū mínɡ
山  居  秋  暝
tánɡ Wánɡ Wéi
唐·  王 维
kōnɡshān xīnyǔ hòu, tiānqì wǎn lái qiū。
空 山 新 雨 后, 天 气 晚 来 秋。
mínɡyuè sōnɡjiān zhào,qīnɡquán shí shànɡ liú。
明 月 松 间 照, 清 泉 石 上 流。
zhúxuān ɡuī huànnǚ,liándònɡ xià yúzhōu。
竹 喧 归 浣 女, 莲 动 下 渔 舟。
suíyì chūnfānɡ xiē,wánɡsūn zì kě liú。
随 意 春 芳 歇, 王 孙 自 可 留。
赏 析
quánshī miáohuìle qiūyǔchūqínɡ hòu bànɡwǎn shífēn shāncūnde yǐnǐfēnɡɡuānɡ hé shānjū cūnmínde chúnpǔfēnɡshànɡ,
biǎoxiàn le shīrén jìqínɡ shānshuǐtiányuán,duì yǐnjū shēnɡhuó yíránzìdé de mǎnzú xīnqínɡ,
tǐxiàn le shīrén ɡāojiéde qínɡhuái hé hé duì lǐxiǎnɡ jìnɡjiè de zhuīqiú。
An Autumn Evening in the Mountains
Wang Wei  Tang Dynasty 

After rain the empty mountain
Stands autumnal in the evening,
Moonlight in its groves of pine,
Stones of crystal in its brooks.
Bamboos whisper of washer-girls
Bound home,
Lotus-leaves yield before a fisher-boat—
And what does it matter that springtime has gone,
While you are here, O Prince of Friends?
The poem describes the beauties of the mountain village in the sunset that it is clear after the rain and the pure-hearted personality of villagers. The poet focused on landscapes to express his satisfaction as a recluse who was a person of unsullied character and pursued the ideal state.
zuòzhě jiǎnjiè
作者 简介
Wánɡ Wéi,zì mójié,pǔzhōu(jīn shānxī yǒnɡjì)rén。tánɡdài shīrén、huàjiā。shānshuǐtiányuánpài shīrén,rénchēnɡ“shīfó”。
Author Introduction
Wang Wei, named Mojie, from Puzhou(Yongji, Shanxi Province).He was a poet and a painter who belonged to pastoral landscape of the Tang Dynasty sent. His poems came out Buddhism Theory that We call him  Shifo.


03/11 00:08
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