A Sunday School Truth...
Get an Inch and Take a Mile 得陇望蜀...
Drawing New Faces 别开生面...
A Crowded Courtyard...
A Meteoric Rise 青云直上...
The Sharp Shooter 百步穿杨...
Tight Lipped 守口如瓶...
Be True to One's Word 一諾千金...
Not Clear Cut 模棱两可...
Mastery of the Butcher's Cleaver 游刃有余...
Learning to Walk 邯郸学步...
A Dog's Tale...
Remove the Root Cause...
Grind an Iron Rod into a Needle...
When the Birds are Gone and the Hares are Bagged...
Bring the Dragon to Life...
The Phoney Player...
The sky is falling...
Visiting the Thatched Hut of Zhuge Liang...
Chinese words about “San Nong” 三农问题...