镜头中的这些风景,乍看起来非常自然,但仔细观察又会发现,它们似乎也有一些人工的痕迹。When looked on camera shots, they appear very natural, but at the same time they seem to have some artificial traces.
这是什么地方呢?What is this place?
这是典型的中国园林。This is a typical Chinese garden.
你会发现与西方园林的规则几何型园林不同,中国的园林建造者努力使园林看上去显得自然天成,宛如天然的自然式山水风光。You may find that different from the western gardens with regular geometry designs, Chinese garden designers strive to make the gardens appear naturally formed, like natural landscape scenery.
是中国园林的最大特点。This is one of the main features of the Chinese gardens.
园林是供人们休闲娱乐的场所。Gardens are the places to provide people with leisure and entertainment.
中国园林历史悠久。Chinese gardens have a long history.
公元前1500年,已经出现了专门供皇帝和贵族狩猎以及娱乐用的场所。As early as 1,500 BC, there were places specially for emperors and nobles hunting and entertainment.
其中有草木,花鸟,山水,楼阁。The gardens had plants and trees, flowers and birds, mountains and waters, and pavilions.
中国传统园林基本上都是皇室和贵族建造的用来休闲娱乐的场所。Chinese traditional gardens were basically built by royalty and nobles and were used for leisure and entertainment.
皇室建造的园林被称为皇家园林。The gardens built by the royalty are called royal gardens.
一般贵族修建的园林被称为私家园林。And the ones built by general nobles are called private gardens.
位于北京的颐和园是皇家园林的代表。The Summer Palace, located in Beijing, is the representative of royal gardens.
颐和园主要由万寿山和昆明湖组成,面积达293公顷。The Summer Palace is mainly composed of the Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, with an area of 293 hectares.
水面约占四分之三。Water covers approximately three fourths of the whole.
园中有各式古建筑3000余间,其中藏有各个朝代的各类珍贵文物4万余件,各种园林植物40万多株。There are over 3,000 various ancient buildings which houses a collection of over 40,000 kinds of valuable historical relics from each dynasty, and over 400,000 garden plants.
素有“皇家园林博物馆”之誉。Therefore, it has been acclaimed as “Royal Garden Museum”.
由于是皇家园林,颐和园处处显示出皇室的豪华气派。Because it is the royal garden, the Summer Palace shows its royal luxurious style everywher.
往往在青山绿水之间闪烁着金碧辉煌。Resplendence and magnificence are blinking in verdant hills and green waters.
私家园林的代表当属位于苏州的拙政园。Humble Administrator’s Garden located in Suzhou should be regarded as the representative of private gardens.
拙政园占地面积仅4.1公顷。Humble Administrator’s Garden only covers the area of 4.1 hectares.
拙政园虽小,但却极其精致。Though it is small, it is extremely delicate.
拙政园分东、中、西三部分,水面面积就占了全园的三分之一。It comprises eastern, western and central parts with one third of its area being water.
比起皇家园林,拙政园虽小,但站在园中,无论从哪个角度看去,都是一幅美丽的图画。Small as it is, compared with the royal gardens, it looks like a beautiful picture when people stand in the garden, viewing it from any angle.
你现在看到的是“远香堂”。What you are viewing now is “Yuanxiang Hall”.
它位于水池的南岸,与东西两边的山岛相对。It lies on the southern bank of the pond, opposite to hills and islands on the east and the west.
水池中种满了荷花。Lotuses are fully planted in the pond.
山岛上远远望去满眼绿色。An eyeful of green comes into sight when it is viewed from the distance.
两山溪谷间架有小桥。There are small bridges between two valleys.
整个园子的景色因时而异,美丽多姿。The whole garden looks different in different seasons, beautiful and graceful.
中国园林是一个整体,讲究自然与景物结合。Chinese gardens are integrated as a whole with particular attention paid to the combination of nature and scenery.
一般都讲究有山有水,有亭有台。General attention is paid to mountains and waters, pavilions and terraces.
山、水、亭、台的相互映衬。Mountains and waters, pavilions and terraces look more beautiful in each other’s company.
再加上远近关系的构造。Moreover, they are constructed in far and near structure.
使得中国园林无论从哪个角度看上去都没有空隙。Therefore, there seem no apertures in the Chinese gardens at whatever angle it may be viewed.
映入眼帘的,总是如画的风景。What comes into sight is always the picturesque scenery.
这是一幅传统的中国山水画。This is a traditional Chinese landscape painting.
从中你是否能看出中国园林的影子呢?Can you see the trace of the Chinese gardens?
实际上,中国园林与中国绘画是相互影响共同发展的,它们都体现了中国人崇尚自然的思想。In fact, Chinese gardens and Chinese paintings interacted with each other and developed together, both of which reflect the idea that Chinese place a premium on nature.
你想象中的中国园林是什么样子呢?What are Chinese gardens like in your imagination?
风景如画picturesque scenery
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