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Top couplets for character formation 拆字联

Profile:Top couplets for character formation 拆字联
Right here have you noticed that the traditional Chinese character for “爱 ài, love“ consists of three parts with meanings for  ”family, heart and friend“? If you have a kind heart inside for your family and friends, that means “爱 ài, love”.  You see, Chinese characters are picturesque for you to understand its unique culture in this way!

As one kind of the most ancient characters, Chinese characters have played a significant role in the development of Chinese culture. Originally, ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian symbols existed, but only Chinese characters remain today. based on pictographs, Chinese characters combine shapes with sounds and connotations to form unique, block-shaped characters that carry meaning.

To help you learn Chinese characters with fun, today ChineseHour will demonstrate you the interesting Chinese couplets for Chinese character formation or breakup with fantastic stories. I personnally love this one very much.

dòng yǔ sǎ chuāng,  dōng  èr diǎn (dòng) xī sān diǎn (sǎ).

qiē guā fēn piàn, shàng qī dāo(qiē) xià bā dāo( fēn ).

—Icy drops are splashed on windows, two dots on the “east” and three dots on the “west”;

—A melon is cut into pieces, seven cuts upwards and eight cuts downwards.

See?  冻 has two dots on the character for “EAST” and 洒 has three dots on the character for “WEST”. 切 consists of 七 and 刀, and 分 consists 八and 刀.  东、西、上、下 are direction words, and 二、三、七、八 are number words.  Very intersting components for Chinese characters, and the couplets are perfect too!

If you have difficulty in understanding the detailed meanings for the Chinese characters or the couplets, please ask ChineseHour adviser or your private teachers any time. These Chinese couples will greatly facilliate your Chinese learning, I bet! More examples for  fantastic couplets for Chinese character formation  汉字拆字联:

鸿是江边鸟 (鸿)
蚕为天下虫 (蚕)

Swans are birds by the riverside;

Silkworms are insects under the heaven.

一明分日月 (明)
五岳各丘山 (岳)

One brightness comes from sun and moon;

Five sacred mountains stand with individual ones.

(岳yuè, high mountain.  五岳wu-yueh:Five traditional sacred mountains of China. )


Icy drops are splashed on windows, two dots on  the character for “east” and  洒 has three dots on the character for “west”;

A melon is cut into pieces, seven cuts upwards and eight cuts downwards.

(Perfect match: 东、西、上、下 are direction words, and 二、三、七、八 are number words. )


This kind of wood is called firewood and can be found on all hills;

Smoke comes from fire and gets thicker and thicker  by sunset.

古木枯,  此木成柴(枯、柴)
女子好,  少女更妙(好、妙)

The old wood gets rotten, and it will turn into the firewood;

A woman is good, and a young girl will be  much better.


I walked tore open on the three rocks of a stony bridge,

and fought a way out throught the two mountains ahead.


Get married to a boy from the PAN’s family, he has got land, rice and water;
Get married to a girl from the HE’s family, she will foster babies, mouths and descendants.

王老者,一身土气(土 in 三、老、者)
朱先生,半截牛形(牛 in 朱、先、生)

Old Wag are rustic (土) from head to feet; Mr. Zhu are cattlelike (牛)in half.


With mouth and heart for thinking, we always think of our hometowns, friends and parents;

With words and body for thanksgiving, we often give thanks to Heaven, Land and Lord.


The warrior unfolded a long bow, rode on a magic horse, and fought with a single dagger-axe;

The daughter married and got pregnant for a son, the boy she gave birth to was my nephew.

(嫁jià, marry、孕yùn,pregnant、甥shēng, nephew)


The person who used to be a monk can’t make a  Buddha;

The women drudges who worked as servant women  were called slaves too.

(僧sēng,monk、 佛fó, Buddha,   婢bì,  slavegirl)


An inch of land stands a temple, beside which a poem is inscribed, the poem goes:

           “The bright moon sees the monk back to the ancient temple.”

Double trees makes a bush, under which is set a caution board, the caution goes:

           “Axes and saws enter the hills and forests only at the appropriate time.”


This couplet is another fantastic match. The last two parts of poems are the essence: 明 with 月, 斧 with斤, and ending with the two key characters  “寺” and “林”.

明月送僧归古寺 was from a Tang poem, and 斧斤以时入山林 was from Mencius — Axes and saws enter the hills and forests only at the appropriate time.  It is still useful today for enviromental protection of forest — forest sustained yield. Mencius proposed that “If closely knit nets are not allowed to enter deep pools and ponds, the fishes and turtles will multiply until ample is left for food; if axes and saws enter the hills and forests only at the appropriate time, there will be more than adequate timber for all uses.” (数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也;斧斤以时入山林,材木不可胜用也).

What Mencius was advocating was the principle of appropriateness and self-control. If humankind employs the wisdom for which it has the capacity, and rids the world of such scourges as sandstorms, the world will then be a better place to live for all concerned.


Interesting Stories for Chinese Character Formation or Breakup


++ 传说,康熙求才若渴,一旦发现,便不拘一格地重用。一天,康熙听说一位和尚很有学问,便请他来宫中下棋。康熙连输三盘,出上联试和尚:”山石岩下古木枯,此木为柴。“此联析”岩”、”枯”、”柴”三字而成,文字连贯。不料,和尚随口而出:”白水泉边女子好,少女更妙。”康熙一听,和尚妙析”泉”、”好”、”妙”三字,对得无懈可击,心中十分高兴,便委以重任。

The old wood under the hill and the rock gets rotten, and it will turn into the firewood;

A woman beside the white-water spring is good, and a young girl will be  much better.

++ 北宋佛印和尚有一天去拜访苏东坡,大吹佛力广大,佛法无边。坐在一旁的苏小妹便有意开他的玩笑:”人曾是僧,人弗能成佛。”佛印一听,也反戏她一联:”女卑为婢,女又可为奴。”苏小妹和佛印的妙对,就是利用析字法巧拼”僧”、”佛”、”婢”、”奴”四字,互相戏谑,妙趣横生。

The person who used to be a monk can’t make a  Buddha;

The women drudges who worked as servant women  were called slaves too.

++ 唐伯虎才思敏捷,写有一副脍炙人口的析字联:”十口心思,思国思君思社稷;八目尚赏,赏风赏月赏秋香。”巧妙之处在于把”十口心”合成”思”字,”八目尚”合成”赏”字,而又串成一气,文义通畅。

With ten hearts for thinking, I think of the land, the lord and the kingdom;

With eight eyes for admiration, I admire the wind, the moon and Ms. Qiu-Xiang.

++ 据说,有两姓联姻,男方姓潘,女方姓何,在举行婚礼这天,一客人赠联祝贺:”嫁得潘家郎,有水有田方有米;娶得何家女,添人添口便添丁。”上联以”水、田、米”合成”潘”字,下联以”人、口、丁”合成何”字,既暗含双方的姓氏,又反映了双方的愿望,幽默诙谐之中增添了喜庆的气氛。

Get married to a boy from the PAN’s family, he has got land, rice and water;
Get married to a girl from the HE’s family, she will foster babies, mouths and descendants.


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