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钢琴家 Lang Lang: The Youngest Pianist in the World

Profile:Lang Lang: The Youngest Pianist in the World
郎朗是第一位与维也纳爱乐、柏林爱乐、美国五大交响乐团等所有一流乐团长期合作,并在全世界所有的著名的音乐厅举办个人独奏会的中国钢琴家。他已成 为继霍洛维兹和鲁宾斯坦之后世界钢琴界的又一位领军人物。郎朗的音乐才华以及热情奔放的性情相得益彰,使他成为古典音乐最理想的诠释者和年轻人心中的偶像。
Lang Lang is the first Chinese pianist who has long-term cooperation with all the first-class symphony orchestras such as Wiener Philharmoniker, Berliner Philharmoniker and five top symphony orchestras of the United States, and has held individual recitals in all the famous concert halls worldwide. He is now a leader in the world piano circle after Vladimir Horowitz and Rubinstein. Lang Lang’s talent in music goes well with his enthusiastic personality, making him the most ideal interpreter of classical music and the icon of the young people.
郎朗于1982年6月14日出生于中国沈阳。3岁由父亲启蒙开始学习钢琴,4岁师从朱雅芬教授。5岁和7岁连续二次获沈阳钢琴比赛第一名。之后师从 恩师赵屏国教授,9岁获全国星海钢琴比赛第一名,11岁获德国第四届青少年国际钢琴比赛第一名,并获杰出艺术成就奖。13岁获第二届柴科夫斯基国际青年音 乐家比赛第一名(金牌)。14岁考入著名美国科蒂斯音乐学院,师从著名钢琴大师院长格拉夫曼。3个月后,与国际著名的IMG演出经纪公司签约,从此走向了 职业演奏家的道路。
Born in Shenyang of China on June 14, 1982, Lang Lang started learning playing piano at the age of 3 instructed by his father. At the age of 4, he learned piano from Professor Zhu Yafen. When he was five and seven years old, he won the first prizes in piano playing contests in Shenyang for successive two terms. After that, learned from Professor Zhao Pingguo. At the age of nine, he won the first prize in National Xinghai Piano Contest. Two years later, he won the top prize at the fourth international piano competition for juveniles in Germany and got the award of outstand art achievement. When he was 13, he won the gold medal at the second Tchaikovsky International Competition for Young Pianists. At the age of 14, he was enrolled by the famous the Curtis Institute of Music of the United States and learned from the renowned piano master Gary Graffman, who was also president of the institute. Three months later, Lang Lang signed a contract with the internationally famous IMG Performance Company, becoming a professional pianist.

他在2008年北京奥运会开幕式上上演长达八分钟的独奏,一曲《星光》擦亮了全世界四十二亿电视观众的眼睛。不仅如此,在2007年北京奥运会倒计 时一周年庆祝仪式上,郎朗演奏钢琴协奏曲《黄河》。2007年香港回归十周年庆典晚会上郎朗压轴演出,受到胡锦涛主席的高度赞赏。2008年诺贝尔颁奖音 乐会、2008年格莱美颁奖仪式、2007年上海特奥会开幕式、2006年世界杯足球赛开幕音乐会上,都留下了郎朗激情澎湃的声音。
At the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, he play piano for eight minutes. The music Starlight attracted the eyes of 2.4 billion TV audiences worldwide. In addition, at the celebration of one-year countdown to Beijing Olympics in 2007, he played the music the Yellow River. At the celebration of 10th anniversary of Hong Kong returning to China in 2007, Lang Lang played piano as the most important section, and was praised by Chinese President Hu Jintao. Meanwhile, Lang Lang also played piano enthusiastically at the Nobel Prize Concert in 2008, Grammy Awards ceremony in 2008, opening ceremony of Shanghai Special Olympics in 2007 and the opening concert of the FIFA World Cup in 2006.
郎朗是世界古典音乐新一代领军人物,被誉为“当今世界最年轻的钢琴大师”、一位“将改变世界的年轻人”、一部“钢琴的发电机”,《纽约时报》称郎朗 为“古典音乐界中最闪亮的明星”,美国《人物》杂志评他为“最具魅力的男士”,德国《世界报》称他为“当今世界最成功的钢琴家”,他是“中国腾飞的符 号”,“世界的郎朗,华人的骄傲”。
Lang Lang is the leader of the new generation in the world classical music and is honored as “the youngest piano master worldwide today,” “a young man who will change the world,” and “a generator of piano.” The New York Times described him as the most glorious star of the classical music. The U.S. People magazine selected him as the most glamorous man. Die Welt of Germany praised him as the most successful pianist in the world. He is the symbol of China’s rise. “Lang Lang of the world, the pride of the Chinese.”

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