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Current Location: Homepage » Basic Chinese » "In" Chinese 流行汉语 » Main Body

Carp with "Human Face"

Profile:Carp with "Human Face"
Fisherman captures(捕获) a carp(鲤鱼) with a “human face”.

The carp measures(测量) over one foot. The golden(金色) and black(黑色) pattern(图案) on its head(头) looks like a human face(脸).

The man surnamed Qiu has kept fishing as a hobby(爱好) for almost 20 years. But he has never seen such fish reported in China.

Previously, a UK man reportedly owned(拥有) a carp with “human face”. He named a price(价格) of 40,000 pounds (about 57,700 US dollars) for his carp.

词汇 Words:

[bǔ huò] 捕获capture
[tú àn] 图案 pattern
[ài hào] 爱好 hobby
[cè liàng] 测量 measure
[yōng yǒu] 拥有 own

重点词汇 Key words:

1. hǎo
A: <形容词 adj.> 优点多或使人满意的 good,nice, fine: 好人 good people
B: <形容词 adj.> 完成 ready:
Eg. 准备好了吗?Is everybody ready?
C. <形容词 adj.> 身体康健  healthy:
Eg. 我的病好了。I'm well now.
D. <副词 adv.> 很 very:
Eg. 好漂亮的衣服啊!What a beautiful dress that is.
E. <形容词 adj.> 表示应允、赞成 express approval:
Eg. 好了,就这么办。OK, it's settled.
F. <形容词 adj.> 容易 easy:
Eg.这个问题好回答。This question is easy to answer.

2. hào
A. 喜爱,like,love:
Eg: 他好吹牛。He is fond of bragging.
B. 容易(发生事情)be apt to:好激动 Be apt to get excited

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