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Extensive Reading 中国部分城市出台住房限购细则 Chinese cities curb home purchases

Profile:中国部分城市出台住房限购细则 Chinese cities curb home purchases

据新华社报道,上海和其它几个城市已行动起来,限制房屋买卖,以遏制房地产市场泡沫。上海市住房保障和房屋管理局于周六公布的细则禁止拥有两套及以 上的本市户籍家庭和拥有一套及以上的非本市户籍居民购买新房。非本市户籍居民还得提供证据证明其在该市缴纳社会保险或缴纳个税已有一年。


Chinese cities curb home purchases

Shanghai and several other cities have moved to restrict home purchases in a bid to deflate the real estate bubble, Xinhua reports. The rules, revealed by Shanghai's Housing Guarantee and Administration Bureau on Saturday, prohibit home purchases by families with official Shanghai residency who already own two or more homes, and non-residents who already own at least one. Non-residents will also have to produce documents to certify they have paid social security or income tax in the city for one year.

Nanjing and Harbin implemented similar restrictions on the same day. On Wednesday, Beijing unveiled even tougher measures to restrict home purchases by non-residents, demanding proof of social security or income tax payments in the city for five straight years.


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