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Extensive Reading 《非诚勿扰2》公映 If You Are The One 2 released

Profile:《非诚勿扰2》公映 If You Are The One 2 released




浙江宁波一男子结婚仅五天便将极为邋遢的妻子给休掉了。看来,“整洁很重要”这话得谨 记在心。据《钱江晚报》报道,男女二人认识一年后于12月16日在宁波结婚。婚后,丈夫发现妻子非常不讲卫生。“她连着5天不洗头,也不爱洗澡,”他抱怨 道。而妻子则认为短时间很难改变自己的生活习惯,而且冬天这么冷,没必要经常洗头洗衣服。


《广州日报》22日报道,由于受到菲律宾人质事件的影响,赴港菲佣的数量减少了一半, 香港政府现正寻求允许内地保姆到香港工作的可能性,目前内地保姆赴港工作是不合法的。根据香港法律,内地居民如果在香港工作七年以上就可以成为香港永久居 民,这就使允许内地保姆到香港工作产生了问题。另外,许多香港居民也担心内地大量年轻女性涌入香港,会对香港的家庭稳定造成冲击。


《北京日报》报道,全长377公里的宜万铁路(湖北宜昌至重庆万州区)周三正式通车运 营。该铁路的建设耗时7年,5万名工人参与建设,年均进度仅50多公里,是中国铁路史上建设最慢的一条线路。宜万铁路设计负责人胡子平说,宜万铁路之所以 难修是因为沿线的喀斯特地貌。沿路因长江侵蚀有许多峡谷,而且建设经常被暗河和山洞所阻断。工人们持续面临着洞穴塌方和河水泛滥的危险。待明年其它铁路贯 通后,现在从武汉到重庆18小时的路程可以缩短到5小时,而从重庆到上海将不到12小时。

If You Are The One 2 released

Feng Xiaogang's new film If You Are the One 2, a sequel to his 2008 romantic comedy, opens Wednesday in China before hitting box offices in North America on Christmas Eve, China.org.cn reports. It is the first Chinese film to be released in North America almost simultaneously as it premieres at home. The film is set to open in 20 theaters in the US and Canada in cities with significant Chinese populations.

Eating garlic lowers blood pressure

Drinking orange juice and eating garlic every day can help lower blood pressure, China News of Traditional Chinese Medicine reports. Orange juice contains large amounts of vitamin C, which helps dilate blood vessels and reduce hypertension. And garlic helps the body maintain a proper level of enzymes that prevent high blood pressure.

Wife divorced for not bathing

Perhaps the old saying "neatness counts" should be heeded more often after a man divorced his wife -- just five days into their marriage -- and claimed she is an utter slob, the Qianjiang Evening News reports. The couple got married Dec. 16 in Zhejiang Province's Ningbo City after being acquainted for one year. But the husband believed his wife lacked adequate hygiene. "She hasn't washed her hair in five days and doesn't like to take a bath," the man complained. His wife said it isn't easy to change her habits so quickly and believes it unnecessary to "frequently" wash her hair and clothes during the cold of winter.

Hong Kong looks to mainland for maids

The number of Filipino domestic help workers bound for Hong Kong has decreased by half since the hostage crisis in the Philippines in August, leaving a shortage of maids for the city's residents, Guangzhou Daily reports. The Hong Kong government is now looking to the possibility of allowing domestic help workers from the mainland, which currently is illegal. Hong Kong laws allow Chinese mainland citizens to become permanent residents of Hong Kong after working in Hong Kong for seven years, which is apparently a problem for somebody. Many Hong Kong residents also worry that a large number of young women entering the city would have a negative impact on the stability of Hong Kong families.

'Most difficult' railway opens

The 377km long Yiwan Railway, from Yichang in Hubei Province to Wanzhou District in Chongqing, opens for traffic Wednesday, the Beijing Daily reports. It took 50,000 workers seven years to build the railway, advancing only 50 km each year, the slowest rate of construction in the history of Chinese railways. Designer Hu Ziping said the Yiwan Railway had been so difficult to build because of the karst landforms along the route. Erosion by the Yangtze River had formed numerous gorges and construction was dogged by underground rivers and caves. Workers faced the constant danger of collapse and flooding. After other links are completed next year, the 18-hour journey time from Wuhan to Chongqing will be cut to 5 hours, and the trip from Chongqing to Shanghai will take less than 12 hours.


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