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Extensive Reading 新富知识精英掀移民潮 Emigrating for education

Profile:新富知识精英掀移民潮 Emigrating for education
《国际金融报》消息,2010年的中国社科院《全球安全与政治》报告显示,中国正成为全球最大 的移民输出国,而投资移民热也成为今年中国媒体热议的话题。21世纪开始的投资移民热呈现新的特点,申请者们只是希望更换公民身份但继续留在中国生活。这 批新移民群体主要由新富阶层与知识精英构成。普遍受到中国投资移民申请者青睐的国家是加拿大、美国和澳大利亚。"子女教育"是客户选择移民海外的最主要原 因。



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《扬子晚报》5日报道,江苏省仪征市一男子驾车撞伤自己的父亲及父亲身边的一位长辈 后,因晚间光线差,没看清是自己的老父,当即驾车逃逸。其受伤较轻的父亲在看出是儿子"惹祸"的情况下,为了帮助儿子逃避经济赔偿和法律制裁,竟一路阻止 目击群众报警。目前,肇事儿子向警方投案自首,糊涂父亲也被警方立案调查。

Emigrating for education

China is becoming the largest migrant exporter and the investment migration tide is the hottest topic for Chinese media this year, according to the 2010 Global Security and Politics report issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, International Finance News reports. The new tide of investment migration starting from the 21st century has its features. The migrants want to change their nationalities but continue to live in China. They are mainly the newly rich and intellectual elite. The most popular countries are Canada, the US and Australia. The main reason is for children's education.

Internet café blast kills 6

At least 6 people were killed and 38 others injured – 9 seriously – in an explosion that ripped through an Internet café in the downtown area of Kaili, Guizhou Province, Saturday night, Xinhua reports. Chemicals illegally stored in an adjacent room were the source of the blast. The blast occurred at around 11:05 pm. Its shock wave shattered the windows of nearby buildings. Local police have yet to identify the victims, and a further investigation is underway.

Still too many official cars

China still spends 150-200 billion yuan annually to maintain a colossal fleet of official cars nationwide, some 16 years after the State Council decided to cut the number of official cars, the People's Daily reports. High maintenance costs, official cars for private use, rare use, and excessiveness are four major problems in the current official car fleet.

10 Chinese sailors missing after shipwreck

Ten Chinese sailors were missing after their vessel that was flying a Panamanian flag sank near the waters of Bashi Channel on Dec. 3, Xinhua reports. The ship went down in waters 240 nautical miles south of Shantou, Guangdong Province, bringing 24 crew members into the water; 14 have been rescued. Causes of the sinking are still unknown.

Son hits father in hit-and-run

A male motorcycle rider in Yizheng, Jiangsu Province ran away after hitting and injuring his father and another elderly man due to the dim light at night, the Yangtze Evening News reports. He didn't realize that one of the men hit was his father. But his father, who was less seriously injured, saw it was his son. In order to help him escape, his father stopped witnesses from calling police. The son has now surrendered to the police, and his father's actions was also recorded in police files.


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