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Extensive Reading Lesson 130


联合国庆首个“中文日” 新华社消息,联合国周五庆祝了首个“中文语言日”,旨在推动联合国系统内六种正式语言的平等使用以及尊重每种语言的历史、文化和成就。从2011年开始,中文语言日将定于每年的4月20日举行,以纪念汉字始祖仓颉。

城市化刺激国内需求新华社消息,国务院发展研究中心的一位官员周六说,到2030年, 城市化将为中国拉动30万亿元(4万5千亿美元)的国内需求,使中国经济即使遇到出口下降也能保持平稳发展。城市移民的住房需求有可能成为中国未来经济发 展的最大动力。中国城市化的核心问题在于如何使农民工变成城市永久居民。



Chinese iPhone gets smart input method

An input method for Chinese characters on the iPhone released online Thursday for download has proved popular among Chinese iPhone users, Xinhua reports. The program, called "Web Intelligence Input Method," received more than 7,000 downloads on its first day of release, causing its official Website to shut down temporarily. The program includes a large number of phrases and has self-learning abilities that allow users to save time when inputting.

UN celebrates first Chinese Language Day

The United Nations celebrated the first Chinese Language Day on Friday as part of an initiative to raise awareness and respect for the history, culture and achievements of each of the six official languages of the world body, Xinhua reports. Beginning 2011, Chinese Language Day will be observed on April 20 to remember the invention of Chinese characters by Cangjie.

Urbanization to fuel domestic demand

An official from the Development Research Center of the State Council said Saturday that urbanization would boost domestic demand by 30 trillion yuan (US$4.5 trillion) by 2030, Xinhua reports. It will assure a stable economic development for China even if exports decline. Urban migrants' demand for housing is likely to become the largest driving force for China's economic growth in the future. The core issue in China's urbanization is to allow farmers-turned-migrant workers to become permanent urban residents.

Reproductive health Website launched

The first Chinese Website concerning fertility was launched earlier this month, Guangzhou Daily reports. Couples wanting to have a baby can now visit www.fertility.com.cn for reproductive health information and related services. More than 40 million couples in China now suffer infertility problems, and the infertility rate rose from 3 percent 20 years ago to 12 percent now.

Hanging photos prevents dementia

Hanging photos at home can prevent dementia, reports Life Times. Elderly people should have many photos on display throughout their homes. Each room should display different photos to differentiate the rooms.


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