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神笔马良The Magic Brush

Profile:神笔马良The Magic Brush
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The Chinese animated feature film, "The Magic Brush," based on a Chinese folklore story, premiered in Beijing on Tuesday night. The film is due to hit Chinese cinema screens this Friday. Hong Kong singer and actor Jacky Cheung sang the film's theme song, "Innocent Age."


: 钟智行
主演: 卲亦琛/孟祥龙/洪海天/吴磊
类型: 动画/奇幻
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2014-07-25


Magic Brush
Zhong Zhixing
Starring: Shao Yichen/Meng Xianglong/Hong Haitian/Wu Lei
Genre: animated cartoon/Fantasy
Release Date: July 25th, 2014
In a small village there lives a boy called Ma Liang who loves to paint. One day, he finds a brush that transforms whatever he paints into reality. This information reaches the Emperor. He forces Ma to draw a golden mountain. Ma agrees but also draws a big ocean around the golden mountain. As the Emperor and his officers sail across the sea to get to the gold, a stroke of the brush from Ma Liang causes them to sink into the water.

tóng zhēn nián dài
Innocent Age


huà  huà chū wǒ de mèng
画 画出我的梦
Draw, draw my dream

mèng lǐ de tiān kōng
In the sky in my dream

zǒng huì yǒu cǎi hóng
there is always a rainbow

huà  huà yī zhī mì fēng
画 画一只蜜蜂
Draw, draw a bee

chéng zhe wǎn fēng tā huì zài
in the night breeze it will,

rì luò hòu  jì xù lǚ chéng
日落后 继续旅程
after the sunset, go on its journey

xiǎo chì bǎng  nǔ lì de  fēi guò hán dōng
小翅膀 努力的 飞过寒冬
With its little wings, it tries to fly over the cold winter

wēi jī zhōng  huì yù dào  zhèng yì de yīng xióng
危机中 会遇到 正义的英雄
In crisis, it will meet a righteous hero
wǒ xiàng xìn zài wǒ shēn tǐ lǐ  yǒu yī gè zhǎng bú dà de xiǎo hái
我相信在我身体里 有一个长不大的小孩
I believe in my body, there is an ageless child

mào xiǎn de shì qíng  dōu rè ài
冒险的事情 都热爱
All the adventures, he loves

wǒ xī wàng zài wǒ shì jiè lǐ  suǒ yǒu yún duǒ dōu zì yóu zì zài
我希望在我世界里 所有云朵都自由自在
I hope in my world, all the clouds are carefree
měi yī tiān  hēi hé bái  kàn de míng bái
每一天 黑和白 看的明白
Every day, black and white, see clearly
měi yī cì  chuāng dǎ kāi  yǎn jiè dà kāi
每一次 窗打开 眼界大开
Every time when the window opens, broaden horizons
ràng zì jǐ  néng huó zài  tóng zhēn de nián dài
让自己 能活在 童真的年代
Make myself live in the innocent age



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