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Learn Simplified Chinese

Profile:Learn Simplified Chinese



1. 帮助孩子提高自尊。教育孩子爱自己和热爱生活,要做一个被人喜欢和爱的人。告诉孩子他有他的独特之处,他对家人和社会都很重要。
2. 当孩子取得好成绩或做好了一件事时,要适当表扬他, 鼓励他下次做得更好。注意不能表扬过分, 否则, 引起孩子骄傲, 而起相反的作用。
3. 让孩子负责做一些事,让他感到自己是有用的人而增长自信。
4. 帮助孩子把一项较难的事分成几个小的步骤,一步一步做,逐渐增加他成功的自信。
5. 鼓励孩子坚持做对他有难度的事,让他在干中学。
6. 帮助孩子提高克服困难的能力。告诉他,人生不是一帆风顺的,总会有许多挫折。只有不怕困难,动脑筋想办法不断克服困难的人才能成功。
7. 鼓励孩子做事要尽最大的努力。让他知道通过努力能让他做更好的判断和取得成功,从而能使他感到满足,赢得自信。
8. 要以积极的态度对待孩子出现的任何问题。当孩子犯错误时,不能光责备孩子,而要以积极的态度帮助孩子。帮孩子找出犯错误的原因,和下次避免犯同样错误的办法。
9. 培养孩子解决问题的能力。引导孩子解决问题而不要代替孩子解决问题。给孩子自己解决问题的机会而让他体会到成就感。
10. 父母要做好榜样。孩子总是模仿大人做什么,怎么做。如果父母做事情有自信和执著,那么孩子也会学着那么做。

How are you doing?

Let’s look at the following English translation.

How to Help Children to Gain Their Self-confidence?

Why is self-confidence important?

Self-confidence is a person’s belief that he or she has the ability to succeed. It is essential for all aspects of children’s healthy development and school success. Confidence can be a self-fulfilling message, as those without it may fail or not even try because they lack it, and those with it may succeed because they have it and keep trying.

Children who are confident are highly motivated to success, are eager to learn new knowledge and skills and take new challenges. Self-confidence is also crucial for getting along with others and working out many social challenges. Children with social confidence enjoy interacting with others by sharing, competing, and making a lot of friends, which is a key to team work and to succeed in the global society.

How does self-confidence develop?

Self-confidence is not an inborn ability. Babies learn who they are primarily through their interactions and experiences with others. A child’s sense of confidence is mostly shaped and nurtured by those who care for him or her. Let’s use some examples to see how confidence grows across the first several years of life.

1. A newborn cries and is comforted by his parent. He is learning about love, and feeling he is important to his parents.
2. An 8-month-old baby shakes a rattle and smiles at the sound it makes. His parent says, “You make it works! Good job!” He is learning he can do it, and feeling happy by parent’s praise.
3. A toddler picks up a pen and drawing on the wall, his parent says “no!” and gives him a piece of paper, he starts drawing. He is learning that his interests are important and will be supported by those who love him.
4. A 3-year-old counts “1, 2, 3”, his parent says “great!” and teaches him “4, 5”. He enjoys leaning and mastering new things.
5. A 5-year-old figures out one plus one, his parent tells him, this is math, he feels he love math want to know more.
6. A 7-year-old brings home his report card with a lot of “As”, he smiles and his parents smile.

If you do not agree with the English Translation from the simplified Chinese short article or you have any question, please leave your comment.


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