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Li Ka-shing: A Wealthy Legend from Kung Fu Tea 李嘉诚:功夫茶成就财富传奇

Profile:Li Ka-shing: A Wealthy Legend from Kung Fu Tea 李嘉诚:功夫茶成就财富传奇
When Li Ka-shing established his plastics manufacturing enterprise and began to produce plastic flowers with the technologies he learned from Italy, his business thrived very soon. Since the supply could not meet the demand, he just reduced the quality of his products so as to complete the piles of orders. As a result, many of his clients claimed to return the products. In addition to the bank loans and clients claims for compensation, his factory was in great trouble and was on the brink of bankruptcy.
这天,母亲庄碧琴叫李嘉诚:“儿啊,给妈妈泡一道功夫茶。” 李嘉诚用地道的凤凰茶给妈妈泡上一道潮州功夫茶。
One day, his mother Zhuang Biqin said to Li Ka-shing, “My son, could you make me a cup of Kung Fu tea?” Li Ka-shing made his mother a cup of Chaozhou Kung Fu tea with genuine phoenix tea.
庄碧琴吩咐李嘉诚坐下来,品了几口茶后,问:“你认识老家开元寺法号叫元寂那个住持么?”未等李嘉诚回答,庄碧琴继续说道:“元寂年事已高,希望找个合适的接班人。候选人是他的两个徒弟,一个法号一寂,另一个法号二寂。”李嘉诚静静地听着母亲说,并不插话,只是给母亲满上一杯功夫茶。庄碧琴呷了一口工夫茶,又接着说:“元寂把这两个徒弟都叫到跟前,说:‘我现在给你俩每人一袋稻谷,明年秋天以谷为答卷,谁收获的谷子多,谁就是我的接班人。’第二年秋天到了,一寂挑来满满的一担谷子,二寂则两手空空。元寂却当众宣布二寂担当接班人。” 李嘉诚打断母亲的话:“不是说好谁收获的谷子多,就选谁当接班人么?”庄碧琴笑了笑,说:“是的。一寂听了,不服气地说:‘分明我收获了一担谷子,二寂颗粒无收,怎么能够让他担任住持啊!’元寂微微一笑,高声地对众人说:‘我给一寂和二寂的谷子,都是用滚水煮熟的。显然,二寂是诚实的,理应由他来当住持。’于是,众人悦服。”
Zhang Biqin told Li Ka-shing to sit down. After sipping some tea, she asked, “Do you know the abbot in Kaiyuan Temple in our hometown whose name is Yuan Ji?” Before Li Ka-shing could answer, Zhuang Biqin continued, “Yuan Ji was very old and hoped to find a suitable successor. His candidates were his two apprentices: One was Yi Ji and the other was Er Ji.” Li Ka-shing listened quietly without interruption. He refilled his mother’s cup. Zhuang Biqin took a sip, continued, “Yuan Ji called his two apprentices before him, saying, ‘I give each of you a bag of rice. I will check your work next autumn. The one who harvest more rice will be my successor.’ In the next autumn, Yi Ji carried a full load of rice, but Er Ji took nothing with him. However, Yuan Ji immediately announced that Er Ji was his successor.” Li Ka-shing interrupted his mother, “Didn’t they agree that the one who harvest more rice would be the successor?” Zhuang Biqin smiled, “Right. Hearing this, Yi Ji was not happy. He said, ‘It is me who harvested a load of rice. But Er Ji got nothing. Why do you let him be the abbot?’ Yuan Ji smiled and said loudly to every one, ‘The rice I gave Yi Ji and Er Ji were actually boiled in water. Obviously, Er Ji is honest and should be the abbot.’ Then, every one was completely convinced.”
庄碧琴忽然话锋一转,“经商如同做人,诚信当头,则无危而不克了。” 李嘉诚听罢母亲的话,深有感悟。不久,李嘉诚的诚信打动了银行、供货商和员工,形势因之好转,危机成就了商机。李嘉诚从此在商界站稳了脚跟。
Then, Zhuang Biqin switched the conversation, “Doing business is just like conducting yourself in the society. With honesty as the rule of doing business, you can conquer every difficulty,” Li Ka-shing was inspired by his mother. Soon, Li Ka-shing moved the bank, suppliers and employees with his honesty and changed the challenge into business opportunity. Thus, Li Ka-shing got a firm foothold in the business circle.


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