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赵本山 Zhao Benshan

Profile:赵本山 Zhao Benshan
In the Liu Laogen Grand Stage, one of his theaters in Qianmen of Beijing, Zhao Benshan sat in from of me, talking on and on graphically with abundant expressions. His two ankles stayed across each other. Today, he is an entrepreneur of private culture enterprises possessing nine theaters with annual revenue of more than 100 million yuan from performance. Besides the title of “king of comedy,” he also has another glorious title ---- Chairman of the Board of Directors of Benshan Media.
Unexpected Establishment of Liu Laogen Grand Stage
在酝酿3年之后,刘老根大舞台挺进京城,高调入主前门阳平会馆,完成了本山传媒打造“喜剧王国”的关键一跃。赵本山回忆说,自从登上春晚的舞台,他 就和二人转脱了钩,其实那些年二人转已经发生了很大变化。赵本山对记者说,“那时候二人转的名声并不好,一进二人转剧场,好像是做了什么见不得人的事,捂 着脸不敢露身份”。要改变这种状况,必须要为这门拥有300年历史的艺术正名。
After three years of preparation, Liu Laogen Grand Stage moved to Beijing and entered Pingyang Assembly Hall in high profile, a key move of Benshan Media in its efforts of establishing a “comedy kingdom.” After performed in CCTV Spring Festival Gala, recalled Zhao Benshan, he had severed his relations with sing-and-dance duet. Actually, sing-and-dance duet has changed greatly in the previous years. Zhao Benshan said, “At that time, the sing-and-dance duet had a bad reputation. When someone went to see the performance, they didn’t want other people to know it, as if they did something shameful.” To change the situation, efforts should be made to rehabilitate the performance art with a history of 300 years.
In 2001, Zhao Benshan held a Zhao Benshan Cup Sing-and-Dance Duet Contest and no vulgar performance was allowed. After that, Zhao Benshan began to recruit apprentices. In 2003, he rented a theater in Zhongjie of Shenyang and created his Liu Laogen Grand Stage. This is the first theater with a theme of sing-and-dance duet in China.
Zhao Benshan recalled, “In the first year, we just operated at a loss because at that time, sing-and-dance duet left very bad impression onmany people in Shenyang.” Later, Zhao Benshan promoted “green sing-and-dance duet” and gradually, more people like the art form. Liu Laogen Grand Stage thus got a very good reputation and has now become a symbol of tourism in Shenyang.
Engaging in Genuine Culture Industry
After Liu Laogen Grand Stage was moved to Pingyang Assembly Hall in Qianmen, it has daily revenue of more than 100,000 yuan with annual income exceeding 50 million yuan. Within the year, the theater will increase domestic demands of more than 100 million yuan.
Zhao Benshan said, “The common people love to be happy and they are the best experts (to evaluate our work). When you write a book, you need to have readers; when you produce some products, you need buyers and when you make clothes, you need someone to wear them. So is the culture industry. You need to have audiences to pay to watch your performances. Our life is controlled by them.”
“Some people invested dozens of thousands of yuan into a performance and only perform for the leaders in Beijing and show up on the newspaper for a couple of days. After that, they never perform again. This has brought great trouble to our society. Why don’t you give the money to the laid-off workers?” Zhao Benshan hates the cultural performances that overlook the demands of the common people. He said, “I do not want to make trickeries. What I want to do is the genuine culture industry.”
However, not all the people consent with Zhao Benshan’s operation model of performing sing-and-dance duet in theaters. For the fact that some experts recently doubted his practice from the angle of intangible heritage protection, Zhao Benshan indicated that he cared more about the opinion of his audiences. “Since the duet needs to make survive in the market, it should adapt itself to the market change. Otherwise, it will die out.”
Some people criticize that sing-and-dance duet is in bad taste. Zhao Benshan said, “Don’t reject popular art because of elegant art. China is a big country and you must first make dozens of millions of farmers understand your art.” He noted that when the common people like some kind of art form, the high-end people will like it. Shakespeare’s work were accepted by high-end people like that and that was actually elegant art.
在刘老根大舞台的带动下,一个个二人转剧场迅速发展起来。据统计,目前全国从事二人转的演员不下10万人,而专门的二人转剧场仅沈阳一地就有近20 家,二人转演艺已经结结实实地成为一项文化产业,一名从业人员告诉记者,“不管怎样,无论别人怎么说,二人转今天能发展得这么红火,跟赵本山是密不可分的。”
Promoted by Liu Laogen Grand Stage, many other theaters for sing-and-dance duet also maintains rapid development. Statistics show that more than 100,000 people throughout China are sing-and-dance duet performers and the number of theaters focusing on the art is nearly 20 only in Shenyang. Sing-and-dance duet has become a de fecto form of art. An insider said, “I don’t care what other people say about it. The fact is, Zhao Benshan has made a great contribution to make sing-and-dance duet so popular today.”

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