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News in China: H7N9 in China

Profile:News in China: H7N9 in China
A man in Taiwan has been diagnosed with H7N9 bird flu and is critically ill with the first case of the disease found outside of mainland China. The 53-year-old Taiwanese man had been working in the Chinese city of Suzhou from the end of March to April 9, and began feeling feverish shortly after he returned home via Shanghai, according to a statement from Taiwan’s health department.
一名台湾男子人被确诊患有H7N9禽流感,目前病情严重,这是中国大陆以外首例确诊病例。 台湾卫生署发布的一份声明称,从3月底到4月9日,这名53岁的台湾人在苏州工作。在经过上海回台之后很快就开始感觉发热。

News that the disease has been found in travellers who had been in China comes as experts are watching closely for signs that the disease can be transmitted from person to person. “This is an unusually dangerous virus for humans, one of the most lethal influenza viruses we have seen so far,” said Keiji Fukuda, a World Health Organisation official, at a briefing Wednesday in Beijing. He cautioned that researchers are still “at the beginning of understanding this virus.” People also appear to catch the disease from birds more easily than other variants of bird flu, according to the organisation.
前往中国出差的境外人士患病的消息传出之际,专家正在密切专注这种疾病能够人传人的迹象。世界卫生组织(WHO)官员福田敬二(Keiji Fukuda)周三在北京的一次通报会上说:“这是对人类异常危险的一种病毒,是我们迄今见过的致命性最强的流感病毒之一。”他告诫称,研究人员还在“理解这种病毒的初始阶段”。WHO还指出,相比其它禽流感变体,人类似乎更容易从禽类感染这种病毒。

So far, the WHO says, it does not seem to be transmitted easily between people. However, Chinese authorities last week said they were investigating evidence of infections in some families to see whether the disease has spread from person to person.

Taiwan has been particularly alert to spread of avian flu, as hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese businesspeople and Chinese tourists travel back and forth across the strait each month. The region of Suzhou, wher the man had been travelling when he became ill, hosts a large number of factories owned by Taiwanese companies. The patient in Taiwan told doctors that he had not had been in contact with live or uncooked birds or eggs. Taiwan authorities say they have notified and will be monitoring those people whom the patient came in contact with.

The virus has infected 108 people and killed 22 in mainland China as of Tuesday, according to authorities there.

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