1、周边国家 neighboring countries
2、周边外交理念 China's neighborhood diplomacy
3、合作倡议 cooperation initiatives
Last year, Chinese leaders visited many neighboring countries and put forward new vision on China's neighborhood diplomacy and cooperation initiatives.
4、分歧和矛盾 disputes and differences
But still there exist some disputes and differences in China's neighborhood.
5、中国与周边关系的前景 China's future relations with its neighbors
I would like to ask how you see China's future relations with its neighbors.
6、实现现代化 To achieve modernization of the country
7、共同意志 common aspiration
To achieve modernization of the country represents the common aspiration of the 1.3 billion Chinese people.
8、走和平发展道路 pursuing peaceful development
9、有坚定不移的决心 has an abiding commitment to
China has an abiding commitment to pursuing peaceful development.
10、不可动摇的意志 have an unshakable will
11、维护国家主权和领土完整 safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity
We also have an unshakable will in safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
12、和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
As early as 60 years ago, China and some of its neighbors had jointly initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.
13、东盟国家ASEAN countries
14、中越海上共同开发、陆上合作、金融合作三头并进的原则共识 China-Vietnam cooperation in maritime joint development, on the land and in the financial sector.
During my visit in Vietnam, I reached principled consensus with the Vietnamese leaders about China-Vietnam cooperation in maritime joint development, on the land and in the financial sector.
15、和平友好、和平共处Peace, friendship and peaceful co-existence
16、四邻百姓的愿望 the common aspirations of all people in China and its neighbors
Peace, friendship and peaceful co-existence, I believe, represent the common aspirations of all people in China and its neighbors.
17、扩大利益交汇点expand common interests
18、缩小矛盾点 narrow differences
19、和睦相处live with each other in harmony
20、造福民众 bringing greater benefits to our people
As long as we all work together to expand common interests and narrow differences, we can live with each other in harmony, bringing greater benefits to our people.