Chinese Grammar learning: V + 起来
日期:2015-08-19 21:48  点击:975

起来 (qǐlái) comes up very frequently in Chinese and can be used both literally and figuratively. This is a little like the usage of "up" in English which can be used literally, as in "stand up", or figuratively, as in "add up".

Expressing an upward movement
起来 can be used to express an upward movement like "up", as in the English examples of "stand up" or "pick up."

Qǐnɡdàjiā zhàn qǐlái .
请大家 站 起来 。
Please stand up.

Kuàidiǎn bǎ lājī jiǎn qǐlái.
快点 把 垃圾 捡 起来。
Quickly pick up the trash.

Expressing bringing things together
起来 can be used to express collecting things together, wher in English we might say "tidy up", or "add up".

Tā bǎ yīfu dōushōu qǐlái le.
他 把 衣服 都收 起来 了。
He put away his clothes.
Bǎ nǐde ɡōnɡzī hé jiǎnɡjīn jiāqǐláijiùzhīdàonǐzhèɡeyuèdeshōurùle.
把 你的 工资 和 奖金 加 起来就知道你这个月的收入了。
Add your salary and bonus together and you'll figure out your income.
Yíɡè yōuxiù de lǐnɡxiù huì rànɡ tā de rénmín tuánjié qǐlái。
一个 优秀 的 领袖 会 让 他 的 人民 团结 起来。
An outstanding leader can make his people come together.


10/01 00:41
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