Chinese Grammar learning: V + 好
日期:2015-08-19 21:49  点击:427

One of the most often used result complements is 好 (hǎo). It implies that something is complete or done well.

Forming a result complement with 好 has a very similar meaning to forming one with 完. It expressed that the action has been completed successfully.
When using result complements, it's very common to make the object a topic. This means the object is said first and the subject is often omitted:
Object + Verb + 好 + 了


Nǐde zuòyè zuò hǎo le mɑ?
你的 作业 做 好 了 吗?
Did you finish your work?
Fàn chī hǎo le.
饭 吃 好 了。
The food's been eaten.
Yīfu chuān hǎo le.
衣服 穿 好 了。
I finished dressing up.
Wǒdezǎo yǐjīnɡ xǐhǎole。
我的澡 已经 洗好了。
I finished my shower.


09/30 22:27
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