Chinese Grammar learning 语法: 尽量 + Verb
日期:2015-08-21 22:14  点击:429

尽量 (jǐnliàng) is an adverb meaning "as much as possible" or "to the greatest extent". In this article, we will do our best to explain how to use it!


Using 尽量 is as simple as adding it before a verb.
尽量 + Verb/Adjective


Wǒ huì jǐnliànɡ bānɡ nǐ de.
我 会 尽量 帮 你 的。
I will help you as much as I can.

Nǐ jǐnliànɡ shuō bɑ, wǒmen dōu yǒu nàixīn tīnɡ.
你 尽量 说 吧,我们 都 有 耐心 听。
Do your best to speak, we'll all listen patiently.

Nǐ kàn shū bɑ, wǒ jǐnliànɡ bú dárǎo nǐ.
你 看 书 吧,我 尽量 不 打扰 你。
Go ahead and study, I'll do my best to not disturb you.

Nǐ yīnɡɡāi jǐnliànɡ duō péi péi háizi.
你 应该 尽量 多 陪 陪 孩子。
You should do as much as possible to be with the children.


10/02 01:22
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