Chinese Grammar learning 语法: 全+Noun.
日期:2015-08-23 20:05  点击:417

One of the uses of 全 (quán) is to indicate the entirety of something. It could be used for something like a whole household, an entire country, the whole world, etc.


The structure is quite simple, just put 全 in front of the noun you want to emphasize "the whole" of. You cannot use it with 的. Pay attention to the types of nouns you can use with 全, since it is usually paired up with 国 (country), 世界 (world), 家 (family), 天 (day), 球 (the globe), and the like.
全 + Noun


Wǒmen quánjiā dōu qù lǚyóu le.
我们 全家 都 去 旅游 了。
The entire family went traveling.

Mínɡtiān wǒ quán tiān dōu dāi zài jiālǐ.
明天 我 全 天 都 呆 在 家里。
I am going to stay home all day tomorrow.

Nǐ zhīdào quán ɡuó yǒu jǐ ɡè shěnɡ mɑ?
你 知道 全 国 有 几 个 省 吗?
Do you know how many provinces the country has?

Xiànzài shì quán qiú jīnɡjì fāzhǎn zuì kuài de shíhou.
现在 是 全 球 经济 发展 最 快 的 时候。
Now is when the whole world is quickly developing economically.

Quánshìjiè de rén dōu zhīdào wǒ shì shuí,nǐ bú zhīdào?
全世界 的 人 都 知道 我 是 谁,你 不 知道?

The whole world knows who I am. Don't you know?

Zhè chǎnɡ zhànzhēnɡ yínɡxiǎnɡ dào quánměiɡuó.
这 场 战争 影响 到 全美国。
This war is affecting all of America.

Qǐnɡ nǐ dú yíxià quán wén.
请 你 读 一下 全 文。
Please read the full text.


10/02 08:41
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