Chinese Grammar learning 语法: 难免 + V
日期:2015-08-23 20:12  点击:482

难免 (nánmiǎn) means "to be unavoidable" or "inevitable" and is most commonly placed before a verb, often an auxillary verb such as 会 or 要. It can only be used to introduce an inevitable situation that is characterized by negative features. One cannot use 难免 to talk of a positive inevitability such as "you will inevitably have a good time".

Basic Structure

(Subject)+ 难免 + Verb

Gānɡ kāishǐ shuō wàiyǔ shí nánmiǎn huì yǒu yìxiē wùhuì.
刚 开始 说 外语 时 难免 会 有 一些 误会。
When you first start speaking a foreign language, there are inevitable going to be some misunderstandings.

Niánqīnɡ rén nánmiǎn huì yùdào cuòzhé, zuì ɡuānjiàn de shì xuéxí zěnmeyànɡ kèfú.
年轻 人 难免 会 遇到 挫折,最 关键 的 是 学习 怎么样 克服。
Young people are always going to face problems, but the most important thing is to learn how to overcome them.

Xiànzài shì ɡāofēnɡqī, dìtiě nánmiǎn yōnɡjǐ.
现在 是 高峰期,地铁 难免 拥挤。
It's rush hour right now.


10/03 00:30
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