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Lesson 203 Health (3)

Profile:Did you catch a cold? 是不是感冒了?I think I have a fever. 我好像发烧了。Are you feeling better? 感觉好点儿没?I feel much better now. Thanks. 我觉得好多了,谢谢。
YJ: Welcome to the show everyone.  Cam, you look pale,你脸色不太好?
Cam: Well, I’m not feeling well Yajie.
YJ: You should definitely see a doctor, and I will help you with what you say once you get to the hospital.
Cam: Great!

Key words of the day

Did you catch a cold? 是不是感冒了?I think I have a fever. 我好像发烧了。Are you feeling better? 感觉好点儿没?I feel much better now. Thanks. 我觉得好多了,谢谢。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

YJ: Cam, you don’t look very well, 是不是感冒了?
Cam: What does that mean?
YJ: it means did you catch a cold? Shi4 bu2 shi4, means did you?
CM: shi4 bu2 shi4,
YJ: gan3 mao4 means catch a cold,
CM: gan3 mao4.
YJ: shi4 bu2 shi4 gan3 mao4 le? Did you catch a cold?
CM: shi4 bu2 shi4 gan3 mao4 le?

A: 你的脸色不太好,是不是感冒了?
B: 恩,好像是。

YJ: cam, did you catch a cold, 是不是感冒了?
Cam: Well, I think I have a fever.
YJ: you can say wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le.
CM: wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le.
YJ: I think I have something in Chinese is hao3 xiang4.
CM: hao3 xiang4,
YJ: fa1 shao1 means have a fever,
CM: fa1 shao1,
YJ: wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le
CM: wo3 hao3 xiang4 fa1 shao1 le. I think I have a fever.

(1)A: 你怎么了,看上去精神不太好?
B: 我好像发烧了。

(2)A: 你的脸色不太好,没事吧?
B:  我好像发烧了。

YJ: once you’ve taken the medicine, I can ask are you feeling better?
CM: How do I say that?
YJ: 感觉好点儿没?
Cam: gan3 jue2 hao3 dian3er mei2? 
YJ: gan3 jue2 means feel,
CM: gan3 jue2,
YJ: hao3 dian3er, better,
CM: hao3 dian3er,
YJ: mei2 is short for mei2 you3, which means or not?
CM: mei2,
YJ: gan3 jue2 hao3 dian3er mei2?
CM: gan3 jue2 hao3 dian3er mei2? Are you feeling better?

(1)A: 感觉好点儿没?
B: 好多了,这药很管用。
(2)A: 感觉好点儿没?
B: 还是那样,烧还是没退。

CM: Yajie, how do I say “I feel much better now. Thanks.”
YJ: you can say我觉得好多了,谢谢。
CM: wo3 jue2de hao3 duo1 le, xie4 xie.
YJ: jue2de, feel,
CM: jue2de,
YJ: hao3 duo1 le, much better,
CM: hao3 duo1 le,
YJ: xie4 xie, means thanks
CM: xie4 xie,
YJ: wo3 jue2de hao3 duo1 le, xie4 xie.
CM: wo3 jue2de hao3 duo1 le, xie4 xie. I feel much better now, thanks.
Conversation 4:
(1)A: 感觉好点儿没?
B: 我觉得好多了,谢谢。

(2) A: 怎么样?还难受吗?
B: 我觉得好多了,谢谢。

Key Words Reminder:
Did you catch a cold? 是不是感冒了?I think I have a fever. 我好像发烧了。
Are you feeling better? 感觉好点儿没?I feel much better now. Thanks. 我觉得好多了,谢谢。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

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