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Lesson 214 Easter (2)

Profile:Hard-boiled eggs 煮熟的蛋We need to boil the eggs first. 先要把蛋煮熟。Paint brush 画笔Watercolor Paint 水彩颜料 Let’s begin. 咱们开始吧.
Y: Dajia hao, hello everyone, perfect your Chinese your way in only 5 fenzhong a day. Wo shi Y.
B: And, wo shi B, ni hao Y. It’s Easter week and time to learn more about painting Easter eggs.
Y: Yummy. Let’s check our key words of the day.

Key words of the day
Hard-boiled eggs 煮熟的蛋We need to boil the eggs first. 先要把蛋煮熟。Paint brush 画笔Watercolor Paint 水彩颜料 Let’s begin. 咱们开始吧. All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: I’ve been to the market and I’ve got the eggs. We need to boil them first. How do I say that Y?
Y: In Chinese it’s “xian1 yao4 ba3 dan4 zhu3 shu2.”
B: xian1 yao4 ba3 dan4 zhu3 shu2
Y: xian1 means first,
B: xian1,
Y: yao4 means need,
B: yao4.
Y: ba3 is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: dan4 means eggs,
B: dan4,
Y: zhu3 means boil,
B: zhu3,
Y: shu2 means cooked, 
B: shu2,
Y: xian1 yao4 ba3 dan4 zhu3 shu2
B: xian1 yao4 ba3 dan4 zhu3 shu2 We need to boil the eggs first.

Conversation 1
A: 这些可以直接做成复活节彩蛋吗?
B: 不行,先要把蛋煮熟。

B: Ok, so the eggs are ready to paint. They are now hard-boiled eggs.
Y: You mean, zhu3 shu2 de dan4.
B: Yes, zhu3 shu2 de dan4.
Y: zhu3 shu2 means hard-boiled,
B: zhu3 shu2.
Y: eggs in Chinese is dan4,
B: dan4,
Y: zhu3 shu2 de dan4.
B: zhu3 shu2 de dan4. hard-boiled eggs. Good. Then wher are the paint brushes? Yajie, what’s the Chinese for paint brushes?
Y: In general it’s called hua4 bi3.
B: hua4 bi3
Y: hua4 means paint.
B: hua4,
Y: bi3 means brush,
B: bi3,
Y: hua4 bi3.
B: It’s easy, hua4 bi3. paint brushes. 

Conversation 2

(2)A: 画笔在哪儿呢?
B: 在这儿。给你。.

B: We’ve got the hard-boiled eggs and the paint brushes. wher are the water color paints?
Y: oh, you need水彩颜料。Here you are.
B: What’s that in Chinese again?
Y: it’s shui2 cai3 yan2 liao4.
B: shui2 cai3 yan2 liao4.
Y: water is shui2,
B: shui2,
Y: color is cai3,
B: cai3,
Y: paints is yan2 liao4
B: yan2 liao4
Y: shui2 cai3 yan2 liao4.
B: shui2 cai3 yan2 liao4. watercolor paint
Y:Or you can just say yan2 liao4 for short.

A: 画笔和颜料都准备好了。

B: We’ve just learned how to say, let’s begin. Will you check I’m saying that right please Y?
Y: Dangran, of course.
B: zan2men kai1 shi3 ba.
Y: hen hao, very good. zan2men means we,
B: zan2men,
Y: kai1 shi3 means start,
B: kai1 shi3,
Y: ba is used at the end of a sentence, indicating suggestion.
B: Right. we learned that in the last show. Ba.
Y: zan2men kai1 shi3 ba
B:zan2men kai1 shi3 ba Let’s begin.

Conversation 4
A: 所有的材料都准备好了。

Key words reminder
Hard-boiled eggs 煮熟的蛋We need to boil the eggs first. 先要把蛋煮熟。Paint brush 画笔Watercolor Paint 水彩颜料 Let’s begin. 咱们开始吧. All in today’s Chinese Studio.


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