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Lesson 227 Television (3)

Profile:Soap opera 肥皂剧Documentary 纪录片remote 遥控器 Let’s change channel 咱们换个台吧。where’s the remote? 遥控器在哪儿?
Y: It’s TV time on Chinese Studio, and welcome in everyone. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. Can I ask a few more questions today Y about the tv?
Y: Dangran le, of course you can. Let’s go.

Key words of the day
Soap opera 肥皂剧documentary 纪录片remote 遥控器 Let’s change channel  咱们换个台吧。wher’s the remote? 遥控器在哪儿?All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: I hear there’s a good soap opera on tonight Y. What’s one of those in Chinese?
Y: it’s fei2 zao4 ju4,
B:  fei2 zao4 ju4
Y: fei2 zao4 means soap,
B:  fei2 zao4.
Y: ju4 means opera,
B:  ju4, 
Y: fei2 zao4 ju4
B: fei2 zao4 ju4, soap opera.
Y: Let’s watch the soap opera.
B: Good idea. Tell me in Chinese ….
Y: it’s zan2men  kan4 fei2 zao4 ju4 ba. 
B: zan2men  kan4 fei2 zao4 ju4 ba.  
Y:  zan2men  means we,
B:  zan2men
Y:  kan4 means watch,
B:  kan4, 
Y: ba is used at the end of a sentence, indicating suggestion.
B: ba,
Y: zan2men  kan4 fei2 zao4 ju4 ba.
B: zan2men  kan4 fei2 zao4 ju4 ba.  Let’s watch soap opera. 

Conversation 1
A: 你想看什么电视节目?
B: 咱们看肥皂剧吧。
A: 好吧。

B: And there’s also a good documentary on, what do we call that?
Y: ji4 lu4 pian1. 
B:  ji4 lu4 pian1 Let’s watch the documentary, then should be zan2men kan4 ji4 lu4 pian1 ba.
Y: Ting hao de, very good. Zan2men means we,
B:  zan2men,
Y: kan4 means watch,
B: kan4.
Y: ji4 lu4 pian1, documentary,  
B: ji4 lu4 pian1.
Y:  ba is used indicating suggestion.
B:  ba.
Y:  zan2men kan4 ji4 lu4 pian1 ba.
B: zan2men kan4 ji4 lu4 pian1 ba.  Let’s watch documentary. 

A: 咱们看肥皂剧吧。
B: 没意思。咱们还是看纪录片吧。

B: We don’t always agree about the channel to watch. Actually, let’s change channel.
Y: Hao de. But say it in Chinese… zan2men huan4ge tai2 ba. 
B:  zan2men huan4ge tai2 ba.
Y: zan2men means we,
B: zan2men ,
Y: huan4 means change,
B: huan4. 
Y: ge4 is short for yi2 ge4, which means one,
B: ge4,
Y: tai2 means channel, 
B: tai2,
Y:  zan2men huan4ge tai2 ba.
B:  zan2men huan4ge tai2 ba. Let’s change channel,

Conversation 3
A:  咱们换个台吧。
B:  别阿,我正看着起劲儿呢。

B: I’ll watch what you want my dear but I can’t find the remote. wher is it?
Y: The remote, you mean yao2 kong4 qi4.
B: yao2 kong4 qi4Ah, that’s right.
Y: yao2 means remote,
B:  yao2,
Y: kong4 means control,
B: kong4,
Y: qi4 means machine,
B:  qi4,
Y: yao2 kong4 qi4
B: yao2 kong4 qi4, remote, 
Y: And, wher’s the remote? 遥控器在哪儿?
B:  yao2 kong4 qi4 zai4 na3er?
Y: zai4 na3er means at wher,
B: zai4 na3er
Y: 遥控器在哪儿?
B: yao2 kong4 qi4 zai4 na3er?  wher’s the remote?

Conversation 4
A: 咱们换个台把。
B: 好的,遥控器在哪儿?

Key words reminder
Soap opera 肥皂剧documentary 纪录片remote 遥控器 Let’s change channel  咱们换个台吧。wher’s the remote? 遥控器在哪儿?All in today’s Chinese Studio


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