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Lesson 230 Animals (2)

Profile:Snake 蛇,Rabbit 兔子,dolphin, 海豚,the zoo 动物园Do you want to go to the zoo? 你想去动物园吗?Let’s go to the zoo. 咱们去动物园吧 。Shall we go to see the dolphins? 我们去看海豚好吗?
Y: Dajia hao, perfect your Chinese every day, right here in the Chinese Studio. Wo shi Y.
B: And, wo shi B, ni hao Y. It’s animal week and time to learn more about our wonderful furry friends.
Y: Let’s check our key words of the day.

Key words of the day
Snake 蛇,Rabbit 兔子,dolphin, 海豚,the zoo 动物园Do you want to go to the zoo? 你想去动物园吗?Let’s go to the zoo. 咱们去动物园吧 。Shall we go to see the dolphins? 我们去看海豚好吗? Let's go to see the lions first. 咱们还是先去看狮子吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: The zoo, the zoo, I want to go to the zoo. But what do I call it in Chinese Y?
Y: That’s easy, 动物园。
B: dong4 wu yuan2,
Y:  dong4 wu is animal or zoological,
B: dong4 wu,
Y: yuan2 means garden,
B: Yuan2,
Y: dong4 wu yuan2
B: dong4 wu yuan2 zoo. … And, do you want to go to the zoo?
Y: You mean  你想去动物园吗?
B: ni2 xiang3 qu4 dong4 wu yuan2 ma?
Y: xiang3 qu4 means want to go somewher,
B: xiang3 qu4.
Y: dong4 wu4 yuan2, zoo.
B: dong4 wu4 yuan2
Y: 你想去动物园吗?
B: ni2 xiang3 qu4 dong4 wu4 yuan2 ma?  Do you want to go to the zoo?

Conversation 1
A: 你想去动物园吗?
B: 好啊,走吧。

B: So, we both want to go the zoo. Let’s go to the zoo.
Y: Great, but let’s say that in Chinese,  咱们去动物园吧。
B: Let me practice: zan2men qu4 dong4 wu4 yuan2 ba.
Y: zan2men  means we,
B: zan2men ,
Y: qu4 means set off for some place, 
B:  qu4,
Y: dong4 wu4 yuan2  means zoo,
B: dong4 wu4 yuan2
Y: 咱们去动物园吧
B: zan2men qu4 dong4 wu4 yuan2 ba Let’s go to the zoo .….Great, can’t wait to go!

Conversation 2
A: 咱们去动物园吧。
B: 太好了,我正好很喜欢动物 。

B: Ok, let’s learn a few more names of animals. Snakes are fascinating.
Y: That’s a  蛇。
B: she2. And rabbit. Remind me, I should know because we were talking about the Easter bunny not so long ago.
Y: Okay,  that’s a  兔子。
B: tu4 zi.  How about dolphin?
Y: it’s hai3 tun2.
B:  hai3 tun2. Shall we go to see the dolphins?  How do I say it in Chinese?
Y: you can say:   我们去看海豚,好吗?
B: wo3men qu4 kan4 hai3 tun2, hao3 ma?
Y: wo3men means we,
B: wo3men,
Y:  qu4 kan4 means go to see,
B: qu4 kan4, 
Y:  hai3 tun2 is dolphin,
B: hai3 tun2,
Y: hao3 ma? Is it okay?
B: hao3 ma?
Y: 我们去看海豚好吗?
B: wo3men qu4 kan4 hai3 tun2 hao3 ma? Shall we go to see the dolphins?

B: 等会儿再去吧, 水族馆还没开门呢。

B: 我们去看海豚好吗?
Y:  It's too early for the dolphin show. Let's go to see the lions first.
B: How do you say that in Chinese?
Y:  you can say 咱们还是先去看狮子吧。Zan2men means we,
B: zan2men,  and wo3 men also means we,
Y: That’s right. hai2 shi4 means had better do sth,
B: hai2 shi4,
Y: xian2 qu4 means go somewher first,
B: xian2 qu4,
Y: kan4 means see,
B: kan4,
Y: shi1zi is lion,
B: shi1zi,
Y: ba  is used to indicate suggestion,
B: ba.
Y: 咱们还是先去看狮子吧。
B: zan2men hai2shi4 xian1 qu4 kan4 shi1zi ba. Let's go to see the lions first.

Conversation 4
A: 我想去看海豚。
B: 咱们还是先去看狮子吧。

Key words reminder
Snake 蛇,Rabbit 兔子,dolphin, 海豚,the zoo 动物园Do you want to go to the zoo? 你想去动物园吗?Let’s go to the zoo. 咱们去动物园吧 。Shall we go to see the dolphins? 我们去看海豚好吗? Let's go to see the lions first. 咱们还是先去看狮子吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.


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