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Lesson 273 Fruit I

Profile:Lesson 273 Fruit I
Y: Dajia hao, improve your Chinese every day, right here in the Chinese Studio. Welcome in, wo shi Y.
B: And, wo shi B, ni hao Y Food’s a great teacher when it comes to language learning, I reckon it’s time to sink our teeth into some juicy fruit this week.
Y: It’ll be good for the diet too. Here are some ripe looking key words of the day.

Key words of the day
Fruit 水果 What’s your favorite fruit? 你最喜欢吃哪种水果? Apples, 苹果,watermelon, 西瓜,I love apples. 我最喜欢吃苹果。 They’re too hard 太硬了。Seedless watermelons, 无籽西瓜All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Let’s be logical and start at the beginning, what is the word for fruit Y?
Y:  it’s shui2 guo3
B: shui2 guo3.
Y: shui3 literally means water,
B: shui3,
Y: guo3 means fruit,
B: guo3,
Y: shui2 guo3,
B: shui2 guo3, fruit. And let’s adapt a sentence we’ve already learned, and ask, what’s your favorite fruit?
Y: Yes, I remember us looking at that not so long ago, ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
B:   ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
Y:  ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1, your favorite,
B:   ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1
Y: chi1 means eat,
B: chi1,
Y: na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3 which kind of fruit, 
B:  na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3
Y: ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
B: ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3? What’s your favorite fruit? 

Conversation 1
A: 你最喜欢吃哪种水果?
B:  我最喜欢吃苹果。

B: An apple a day keeps the doctor away, so they say. Not sure if that’s always true, but apples surely are the king of fruit.
Y: You mean ping2 guo3.
B: wo2 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 ping2 guo3.
Y: hen hao.  Ni2 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 ping2 guo3. You favorite fruit is apple.
B: Dui, then how about you, Y? ni3 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 na2 zhong3 shui2 guo3?
Y: I like xi1 gua1 the best. wo2 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 xi1 gua1.
B: wo2 zui4 xi3 huan1 chi1 xi1 gua1.
Y: xi1, literally means west,
B:  xi1,
Y: gua1 means melon,
B: gua1,
Y: xi1 gua1,
B:  xi1 gua1, watermelon,

Conversation 2
A: 你最喜欢吃哪种水果?
B: 我最喜欢吃西瓜。

B: Fruit is yummy, no doubt about it, but it has to be shu2, ripe. Sometimes I’ve seen some fruit, like, peaches, which is too hard.
Y: Yes, tai4 ying4 le. they’re too hard.
B: tai4 ying4 le.
Y: tai4 means extremely,
B:  tai4,
Y: ying4 means hard,
B: ying4, 
Y: tai4 ying4 le.
B: tai4 ying4 le. They’re too hard.

Conversation 3
A: 现在的桃子还没到季节。
B: 是啊,吃起来太硬了。

B: I love watermelon too, Y… But too many seeds are not very convenient for us to eat.
Y: Then you may buy some seedless watermelons. Wu2 zi3 xi1 gua1.
B: wu2 zi3 xi1 gua1.
Y: wu2 means not.
B: wu2,
Y: zi3 means seed,
B: zi3,
Y: xi1 gua1, watermelon,
B: xi1 gua1,
Y: wu2 zi3 xi1 gua1.
B: wu2 zi3 xi1 gua1.  seedless watermelons.

Conversation 4
A: 你想吃什么样的西瓜?
B: 无籽西瓜。


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