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Lesson 286 Emergencies II

Profile:Lesson 286 Emergencies II
Y: What could be more exciting than run in with a thief, last time here on Chinese studio? dajia hao wo shi Y,
B: dajia hao, wo shi Mark. The adrenalin is still pumping. There’s always another potential disaster waiting in the wings, let’s anticipate a fire in the kitchen.
Y: Hot stuff. And we’re not talking about chili peppers either. Here are our keywords of the day.

Key words of the day
Fire 火a fire truck, 消防车The kitchen’s on fire. 厨房着火了。119幺幺九. Let’s call 119 immediately. 快打幺幺九。Quick, call an ambulance. 快叫救护车! All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Fires can so quickly get out of control and lead to emergency situations. What’s the word for fire Y?
Y: We say:  huo3,
B: Huo3, fire, And if we’re not careful, the flames get too hot, you turn your back and before you know it, the kitchen’s on fire.
Y: It can easily happen, chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le.  the kitchen’s on fire
B: chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le.
Y: chu2 fang2 means kitchen,
B:  chu2 fang2,
Y: zhao2 huo3 means on fire,
B:  zhao2 huo3,
Y: chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le.
B:  chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le. The kitchen’s on fire.

Conversation 1
A:  怎么这么大的烟?
B:  不好,厨房着火了。

B: Quick, I need to ask someone to make a phone call.
Y: Right, it’s time to call the fire emergency number 119, that’s yao1 yao1 jiu3,
B: I thought one in Chinese is yi1,
Y: You are right. yao1 is more colloquial, and it also means one,
B: got it…. So the fire emergency number in China is yao1 yao1 jiu3, one one nine,
Y: Yes. Let’s call 幺幺九 immediately, kuai4 da3 yao1 yao1 jiu3,
B:  kuai4 da3 yao1 yao1 jiu3,
Y: kuai4 means quickly, 
B: kuai4,
Y: da3 means to call the number
B: da3,
Y:幺幺九 is the fire emergency number in China,
B: yao1 yao1 jiu3 ,119,
Y: kuai4 da3 yao1 yao1 jiu3
B:  kuai4 da3 yao1 yao1 jiu3.  let’s call 119 immediately.

A: 不好,厨房着火了。
B:  别慌,快打119。

B: Okay, the fire brigade is on their way… now I can see a fire truck, Y, what’s that in Chinese?
Y: it’s xiao1 fang2 che1.
B:  xiao1 fang2 che1.
Y: xiao1 fang2 means fire fighting,
B: xiao1 fang2,
Y: che1 is truck,
B: che1,
Y:  xiao1 fang2 che1
B:  xiao1 fang2 che1, a fire truck.

Conversation 3
A: 消防车来了吗?
B: 马上就到。

B: let’s get out of here… In the unlikely event that someone needs quick hospitalization for a fire attack, or for anything else, how can I say, Quick, call an ambulance?
Y: You can say, kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,
B: kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,
Y: kuai4 means quickly,
B: kuai4,
Y: jiao4 means to call or get something, 
B: jiao4,
Y: jiu4 hu4 means to give first-aid,
B: jiu4 hu4
Y: che1 means a truck,
B: che1,
Y: jiu4 hu4 che1, an ambulance,
B: jiu4 hu4 che1,
Y:  kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,
B:  kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,Quick, call an ambulance.

Conversation 4
A: 有人受伤了!
B: 快叫救护车.


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