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Lesson 288 Emergencies Review Lesson

Profile:Lesson 288 Emergencies Review Lesson
Y: Not only have we been perfecting our Chinese this week on Chinese Studio, we’ve also done a review of what to say faced with an emergency. Dajia hao, wo shi Y.
B: Wo shi Mark. It has been an exciting time of it, chasing thieves, putting out fires, dashing to the loo, and dealing with medical emergencies. Let’s review what we covered.

Sentences of the week
My bag was stolen 我的包被偷了。 The kitchen’s on fire. 厨房着火了。Quick, call an ambulance. 快叫救护车!He’s having an asthma attack 他有哮喘。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Let’s review the first emergent situation. My bag was stolen.
Y: Hope it won’t happen on you… anyway here it is: wo3 de bao1 bei4 tou1 le.
B: wo3 de bao1 bei4 tou1 le.
Y: wo3 de means mine,
B: wo3 de,
Y: bao1 is bag,
B: bao1,
Y: the word “bei4” is used to form a passive verbal phrase, 
B: bei4,
Y: tou1 means steal, 
B: tou1,
Y:  wo3 de bao1 bei4 tou1 le.
B:  wo3 de bao1 bei4 tou1 le. My bag was stolen.

Conversation 1
A: 出什么事了?
B: 我的包被偷了。

B: Fires can so quickly get out of control and lead to emergency situations. What’s the word for fire Y?
Y: We say:  huo3,
B: Huo3, fire, And if we’re not careful, the flames get too hot, you turn your back and before you know it, the kitchen’s on fire.
Y: It can easily happen, chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le.  the kitchen’s on fire
B: chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le.
Y: chu2 fang2 means kitchen,
B:  chu2 fang2,
Y: zhao2 huo3 means on fire,
B:  zhao2 huo3,
Y: chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le.
B:  chu2 fang2 zhao2 huo3 le. The kitchen’s on fire.

Conversation 2
A:  怎么这么大的烟?
B:  不好,厨房着火了。

B: On my way to Chinese Studio, I saw someone lying on the street, look really painful. how can I say, Quick, call an ambulance?
Y: You can say, kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,
B: kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,
Y: kuai4 means quickly,
B: kuai4,
Y: jiao4 means to call or get something, 
B: jiao4,
Y: jiu4 hu4 means to give first-aid,
B: jiu4 hu4
Y: che1 means a truck,
B: che1,
Y: jiu4 hu4 che1, an ambulance,
B: jiu4 hu4 che1,
Y:  kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,
B:  kuai4 jiao4 jiu4 hu4 che1,Quick, call an ambulance.

Conversation 3
A: 有人受伤了!
B: 快叫救护车.

B: Actually the person I saw has asthma. How do I say: He’s having an asthma attack?
Y: Asthma can be serious, we call it xiao4 chuan3,
B:  xiao4 chuan3.
Y: And this is what you should say, ta1 you3 xiao4 chuan3, He’s having an asthma attack.
B: ta1 you3 xiao4 chuan3
Y:  He in Chinese is ta1,
B: ta1,
Y: you3, here it means suffer from an illness,
B: you3,
Y: xiao4 chuan3 is asthma,
B: xiao4 chuan3
Y:  ta1 you3 xiao4 chuan3
B:  ta1 you3 xiao4 chuan3 He’s having an asthma attack.

Conversation 4
A: 他怎么了?好像很难受的样子。
B: 他有哮喘。


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