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Lesson 295 Dancing III

Profile:Lesson 295 Dancing III

B: We’ve stepped out of the Chinese Studio, cos we’re off dancing in the street today. Dajia hao wo shi R, coming Y?
Y: Wouldn’t miss it. I’ve got some keywords too.

Key words of the day

Beijing four beat 北京平四I can’t follow the rhythm. 我跟不上节奏。Listen to the beat. 踩着点儿跳。Who do you think is the best dancer? 你觉得谁跳得最好? All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Here in Beijing, people love to dance outdoors, all the parks are full of people having fun. There’s one dance that’s very popular, it sounds like si4 or something…
Y: I think you mean: bei3 jing1 ping2 si4.  It’s quite similar to a western four beat dance.
B: Yes. bei3 jing1 ping2 si4
Y: bei3 jing1 is Beijing,
B: bei3 jing1,
Y: ping2, means steady,
B: ping2,
Y: si4, the four beat,
B: si4,
Y: bei3 jing1 ping2 si4
B: bei3 jing1 ping2 si4 Beijing four beat.

Conversation 1
A: 你们刚才跳得是什么?
B: 北京平四。

B: At the park the other day while I was watching the tiao4 wu3, the dancing, a woman grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the dance floor. But I couldn’t follow the rhythm.
Y: You should have told her, wo3 gen1 bu2 shang4 jie2 zou4.
B: wo3 gen1 bu2 shang4 jie2 zou4.
Y: gen1 shang4, to follow,
B: gen1 shang4,
Y: bu4 means not, so gen1 bu2 shang4 means couldn’t follow ,
B: gen1 bu2 shang4
Y: jie2 zou4, the rhythm,
B: jie2 zou4,
Y: wo3 gen1 bu2 shang4 jie2 zou4.
B: wo3 gen1 bu2 shang4 jie2 zou4. I couldn’t follow the rhythm.

A: 对不起,我跟不上节奏。
B: 没关系,再试试。

Y: If I’m dancing with a guy who’s got two left feet, I’ll tell him to listen to the beat, cai3 zhe dian3er tiao4.
B: Hey, what a good idea ---cai3 zhe dian3er tiao4.
Y: cai2 dian3er means to keep in step, follow the beat,
B:  cai2 dian3er,
Y: zhe is used to give force to a verb,
B: zhe,  
Y: tiao4, to dance,
B:  tiao4,
Y: cai3 zhe dian3er tiao4.
B:  cai3 zhe dian3er tiao4, listen to the beat.

Conversation 3
A: 我还是跟不上节奏。
B: 没关系。听着音乐,踩着点儿跳。

Y: Hi R,  ni3 jue2 de she2 tiao4 de zui4 hao3?
B:  Please tell me in English…
Y: Sorry, who do you think is the best dancer?
B: is that what you girls get together and talk? I don’t know. But I want to ask the question in Chinese too. 
Y: okay, ni3 is you,
B: ni3,
Y: jue2 de means to think,
B: jue2 de,
Y: she2 is who or which one,
B: she2,
Y: tiao4, to dance,
B: tiao4,
Y: zui4 hao3, the best,
B: zui4 hao3,
Y: ni3 jue2 de she2 tiao4 de zui4 hao3?
B: ni3 jue2 de she2 tiao4 de zui4 hao3? Who do you think is the best dancer?

Conversation 4
A: 你觉得谁跳得最好?
B: 不是你就是我。


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