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Lesson 298 Apartment Hunting II

Profile:Lesson 298 Apartment Hunting II

R: Dajia Hao, Hey you’re back perfecting your Chinese one day at a time. Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And we’ve got some more useful phrases in store for you today. Say my homeless co-host, how are you?
R: Ok. I’m getting familiar with couches at other people’s houses. You know sleeping on a couch isn’t that bad.
Y: Well maybe after today’s lesson, it’ll help you get your apartment. Here are the key words.

Key Words of the day
Does it have cockroaches? 有蟑螂吗?Is it near the subway station? 这儿离地铁站近吗? How long is the contract? 最少租多长时间? All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Well I kinda found a place, now I just need to know how to ask if it has cockroaches.
Y: This is how you say you3 zhang1 lang2 ma? Although I’m not sure if the answer is yes.
R: you3 zhang1 lang2 ma?
Y: you3 means have
R: you3,
Y: zhang1 lang2, cockroaches,
R: zhang1 lang2,
Y: ma is put at the end of the question.
R: ma. 
Y: you3 zhang1 lang2 ma?
R: you3 zhang1 lang2 ma? Does it have cockroaches?

Conversation 1
A: 有蟑螂吗?
B: 还可以,不是很多。

R: Ok, here’s something that I need to know. I think its necessary to ask this question.
Y: Let me guess… are you going to ask about toilets?
R: Better, I want to know is it near a subway station?
Y: I see. you can say: zher4 li2 di4 tie3 zhan4 jin4 ma?
R: zher4 li2 di4 tie3 zhan4 jin4 ma?
Y: zher4 literally means here,
R: zher4,
Y: li2 means away from,
R: li2,
Y: di4 tie3 zhan4, the subway station,
R: di4 tie3 zhan4,
Y: jin4  be close to somewher,
R: jin4,
Y: zher4 li2 di4 tie3 zhan4 jin4 ma?
R: zher4 li2 di4 tie3 zhan4 jin4 ma? Is it near a subway station?

Conversation 2
A: 这儿离地铁站近吗?
B: 近,马路对面就是。

R: Ya ok, let’s say I do want the place, but I want to know how long I’m obligated to stay there. How do I say How Long is the contract?
Y: You never know when cockroaches attack. You can ask: zui4 shao3 zu1 duo1 chang2 shi2 jian4?
R: zui4 shao3 zu1 duo1 chang2 shi2 jian4?
Y: zui4 shao3 literally means the at the least,
R: zui4 shao3,
Y: zu1 to rent,
R: zu1,
Y: duo1 chang2 for how long,
R: duo1 chang2,
Y: shi2 jian4, the time,
R: shi2 jian4,
Y: zui4 shao3 zu1 duo1 chang2 shi2 jian4?
R: zui4 shao3 zu1 duo1 chang2 shi2 jian4? How long is the contract?

Conversation 3
A: 最少租多长时间?
B: 最少一年时间。

Key Words Reminder
Does it have cockroaches? 有蟑螂吗?Is it near the subway station? 这儿离地铁站近吗? How long is the contract? 最少租多长时间? All in today’s Chinese Studio.


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