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Lesson 303 Filling an Apartment III

Profile:Lesson 303 Filling an Apartment III

Y: Hey you’re with Yajie, and we’re helping you with your Chinese.
R: And wo shi Raymond. That’s right and thanks to Chinese Studio, it has helped me get my apartment.
Y: Ok well there’re a few more things that you can finally put in your apartment and the circle will be complete. Here are the Key Words.

Key Words of the Day
a toaster 烤面包机a water cooler 饮水机  the fire extinguisher灭火器 I need a toaster 我得买个烤面包机。The curtain is on fire 窗帘着火了。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Hey Yajie, it’s interesting how you can eat bread cold.
Y: It tastes alright for me. International people can eat cold bread.
R: Well you need to teach me how to say, I need a toaster, or I won’t survive.
Y: Sure this is how you say it:  wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.
R: wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.
Y: dei3 means need to do sth,
R: dei3,
Y: mai3 is to buy,
R: mai3,
Y: ge4 is short for yi2 ge4, which means one toaster,
R: ge4,
Y: kao3 is to toast,   
R: kao3, 
Y: mian4 bao1, bread,
R: mian4 bao1,
Y: ji1, the machine for toasting bread,
R: ji1,
Y: wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.
R: wo2 dei2 mai3 ge4 kao3 mian4 bao1 ji1.  I need to a toaster.

Conversation 1
A:  我得买个烤面包机。
B:  烤面包机?我也得买一个。

Y: Hey its still summer. Cool me down.
R: Sorry, I can’t help you there, but I just installed a water cooler. Now you can get water.
Y: I hope you have an extra bottle cause I’m going to drink all of this.
R: Hey btw, how do you say “the water cooler?”
Y: it’s yin2 shui3 ji1.
R: yin2 shui3 ji1.
Y: yin3 is to drink,
R: yin3,
Y: shui3 is water,
R: shui3,
Y: ji1, the machine,
R: ji1,
Y: yin2 shui3 ji1.
R: yin2 shui3 ji1.  the water cooler, 

Conversation 2
A: 还缺什么?
B: 还缺个饮水机。

R: Do you smell something burning?
Y: Hmm.. I’ve cooled down, so its not me.
R: Oh my god, the curtain is on fire! Quick tell me how to say that in Chinese.
Y: Sure, let me think oh ya. This is how you say the curtain is on fire: chuang1 lian2 zhao2 huo3 le
R: chuang1 lian2 zhao2 huo3 le
Y: chuang1 lian2 is the curtain,
R: chuang1 lian2
Y: zhao2 huo3, means is on fire, 
R: zhao2 huo3,
Y: chuang1 lian2 zhao2 huo3 le
R: chuang1 lian2 zhao2 huo3 le,  the curtain is on fire. Quick use the fire extinguisher… Wait, what’s the Chinese for the fire extinguisher?
Y: it’s mie4 huo3 qi4.
R:  mie4 huo3 qi4.
Y: mie4 to extinguish,
R: mie4,
Y: huo3 is fire,
R: huo3,
Y: qi4, a metal container for stopping fires,
R: qi4,
Y:  mie4 huo3 qi4
R:  mie4 huo3 qi4, the fire extinguisher.

Conversation 3
A: 不好,窗帘着火了。
B: 快用灭火器。


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