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Chinese translation: clothes in Chinese

Profile:Chinese translation: clothes in Chinese
I’ve made one about all the possible things you’ll need to know about clothes, including “cuff links,” “denim,” and “shoelace” for all of you that know the basics.

Dress shirt / Blouse - 衬衫 (chèn shān)
T-shirt - T恤 (T xù)
Pants - 裤子 (kù zi)
Jeans - 牛仔裤 (niú zǎi kù)
Shorts - 短裤 (duǎn kù)
Dress - 连衣裙 (lián yī qún)
Cheongsam - 旗袍 (qí páo)
Skirt - 裙子(qún zi) / 短裙 (duǎn qún)
Tuxedo - 燕尾服 (yàn wěi fú)
Suit - 西装 (xī zhuāng)
Tie - 领带 (lǐng dài) / 领结 (lǐng jié)
Cravat -领巾(lǐng jīn)
Bathing Suit - 泳衣 (yǒng yī)
Bikini - 比基尼 (bǐ jī ní)
Swim Trunks - 泳裤 (yǒng kù)
Pajamas - 睡衣 (shuì yī)
Underwear - 内衣 (nèi yī)
Socks - 短袜 (duǎn wà)
Stockings - 长袜 (cháng wà)

Coat - 外套 (wài tào)
Blazer / Jacket - 夹克 (jiá kè)
Vest - 背心 (bèi xīn)
Hoodies - 卫衣 (wèi yī)
Sweater - 毛衣 (máo yī)
Sweatshirt -运动衫 (yùn dòng shān)
Windbreaker -风衣 (fēng yī)
Scarf - 围巾 (wéi jīn)
Gloves - 手套 (shǒu tào)
Mittens - 连指手套 (lián zhǐ shǒu tào)
Earmuffs - 耳罩 (ěr zhào)/耳套 (ěr tào)
Hat / Cap-帽子 (mào zi)

Shoe - 鞋 (xié)
Shoelaces - 鞋带 (xié dài)
Flip-flops - 人字拖 (rén zì tuō)
Slippers - 拖鞋 (tuō xié)
Sneakers - 运动鞋 (yùn dòng xié)
Sandals - 凉鞋 (liáng xié)
Rain boots - 雨靴 (yǔ xuē)
Stilettos / High heels- 高跟鞋 (gāo gēn xié)
Boots - 靴子 (xuē zi)
Leather shoes - 皮鞋 (pí xié)
Moccasins - 鹿皮鞋 (lù pí xié)
Canvas shoes - 帆布鞋 (fān bù xié)
Clogs - 木屐 (mù jī)

Accessories & Other
Jewelry - 首饰 (shǒu shì)
Necklace -项链 (xiàng liàn)
Ring - 戒指 (jiè zhǐ)
Bracelet - 手镯 (shǒu zhuó)
Earring - 耳环 (ěr huán)
Breast pin / Brooch - 胸针 (xiōng zhēn)
Watch - 手表 (shǒu biǎo)
Belt - 皮带 (pí dài)
Cufflinks - 袖扣 (xiù kòu)
Handkerchief - 手帕 (shǒu pà)
Sunglasses - 太阳镜 (tài yáng jìng)
Umbrella - 雨伞 (yǔ sǎn)
Raincoat - 雨衣 (yǔ yī)
Zipper - 拉链 (lā liàn)
Button - 扣子 (kòu zi)
Pocket - 口袋(kòu dài)

Cotton - 棉 (mián)
Silk - 丝 (sī)
Polyester - 聚酯纤维 (jù zhǐ xiān wéi)
Nylon - 尼龙 (ní lóng)
Velvet - 绒 (róng)
Wool - 羊毛 (yáng máo)
Denim - 牛仔布 (niú zǎi bù)
Canvas - 帆布 (fān bù)
Leather - 皮革 (pí gé)
Fur - 毛皮 (máo pí)
Linen - 亚麻 (yà má)

Any other items that you’d find in your wardrobe missing from the list? Feel free to add it in the comments below!

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