Chinese phrase translation : 国粹(guócuì) national treasure...
Chinese words:农家乐Agritainment...
A theory of Women, Money and time...
Before and After...
Chinese phrase translation: 老字号(lǎozì hao)time-honored brand...
Chinese words about eat 吃...
Chinese words about very 非常...
Chinese words: Coming out in the gay出柜...
Chinese phrase translation:伤不起(shāngbùqǐ) vulnerable and helpless...
Chinese phrase translation: 招牌菜(Zhāo pái cài) house specialty...
Chiese phrase translation: 粉丝(fěn sī) fans...
Chinese idioms:八仙过海各显神通Bā xiān ɡuò hǎi ɡè xiǎn shén tōnɡ...
Chinese phrase translation: 爆冷门(bào lěngmén)to get an unexpected result...
【Learn a word】毛笔 (máo bǐ) Writing Brush...
【Learn a word】音乐 (yīn yuè) Music...
Chinese phrase translation:标题党(biāo tí dǎng) title party...
Chinese phrase translation: 压岁钱 (yā suì qián) New Year’s money given to children...
Chinese phrase translation: 按理说 (àn lǐ shuō) according to common sense...
Chinese phrase translation: 畅销书 (chàngxiāoshū) bestseller...
Chinese phrase translation:hold住(hold zhù) can hold...