Other industries, including maternal and child products, food security, medical care and environmental protection, also saw strong growth, with no sector reporting a fall.
Maternal and child products就是“母婴产品”,自从放开生二胎政策的消息传出来后,奶粉、儿童医药、童装、玩具、教辅的生产商股价都上涨了。
新计生政策将带来一轮baby boom(婴儿潮),许多妇幼保健中心都计划增加hospital beds(床位),提升服务水平。
当前中国的fertility rate(生育率)较低,如果这种低生育率持续下去,将会造成working-age population(劳动人口)急剧减少,加速ageing of population(人口老龄化)。因而现在实施two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single child family(“单独二胎”政策)是有利于长远发展的。不过目前实施单独二胎还没有unified time-table(统一的时间表)。
重点词汇Key Words:
单独二胎dān dú èr tāi
two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single child family
生育率shēng yù lǜ
fertility rate
人口老龄化rén kǒu lǎo líng huà
ageing of population
婴儿潮yīng ér cháo
baby boom
母婴产品mǔ yīng chǎn pǐn
maternal and child products