闪(shăn) is often used as 闪耀(shănyào) to glitter or shine, it has other popular usages lately.
1. 闪人(shănrén) means that somebody leaves quickly.
E.g. 我先闪人了,你一会再过来找我吧。
Wŏ xiān shănrén le, nĭ yíhuì zài guòlái zhăo wŏ ba.
I go first, you may come to me after a while.
2. 闪婚(shănhūn) means getting married quickly.
E.g. 他俩才认识一个月就闪婚了。
Tā liă cái rènshi yígè yuè jiù shănhūn le.
They got married so quickly since they knew each other only for a month.