Pinyin: yǎngwàng
Meaning:Look up
Sentence: 罗伯特·乔丹仰望着灰沉沉的天空,只见太阳变成一团昏黄。Robert Jordan looked up at the thick gray of the sky with the sun gone faintly yellow.
Pinyin: yǎng
Meaning: Look up
Radical: 亻
Stokes: 6
Traditional: 仰
Common words/Phrase:
仰慕 [yǎngmù] 【admire】
仰卧 [yǎngwò] 【be on one’s back】
仰角 [yǎngjiǎo] 【elevation】
仰卧起坐 [yǎng wò qǐ zuò] 【sit-up】
Pinyin: wàng
Meaning: Hope; towards; expect
Radical: 月
Stokes: 11
Traditional: 望
Common words/Phrase:
望梅止渴 [wàng méi zhǐkě] 【console oneself with vain hopes】
望子成龙 [wàng zǐ chéng lóng]【hope one's children will have a bright future】
望而却步 [wàng ér quèbù] 【flinch】
望月 [wàngyuè] 【full moon】
望远镜 [wàngyuǎnjìng] 【telescope】