Pinyin: guā fēng
Meaning:Wind blows; windy
Sentence:潮湿而刮风的傍晚正酝酿着一场雷雨。The humid, windy evening was breeding a thunderstorm.
Pinyin: guā
Meaning: to scrape; to blow
Radical: 刂
Stokes: 8
Traditional: 颳
Common words/Phrase:
刮刀 [guā dāo] 【scraper】
刮痕 [guā hén] 【scratching】
刮板 [guā bǎn] 【drawing template】
刮痧 [guā shā] 【popular treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back】
刮目相看 [guā mù xiāng kàn] 【sit up and take notice】
Pinyin: fēng
Meaning: Wind
Radical: 风
Stokes: 4
Traditional: 風
Common words/Phrase:
风气[fēng qì] 【practice; atmosphere; custom】
风声[fēng shēng] 【news; information】
风干[fēng gān] 【put out to dry or air】
风俗[fēng sú] 【practice; atmosphere; custom】
风暴[fēng bào] 【storm】