Pinyin: fā qián
Meaning:Giving away money
Sentence: 索姆费尔德说,在这几轮中,学生们仍然根据他们听到的流言来决定发钱的多少,而不是根据摆在面前的事实。In these cases, the students based their decisions to award money on the gossip, rather than the hard evidence, Sommerfeld said.
Pinyin: fā
Meaning: Send out; give out; distribute; deliver; issue
Radical: 又
Stokes: 5
Traditional: 發
Common words/Phrase:
发牌 fā pái] 【deal cards】
发榜 fā bǎng] 【announce the list of successful candidates】
发苞 fā bāo] 【put forth buds】
发送 fā sòng] 【to transmit】
发展 fā zhǎn] 【development】
Pinyin: qián
Meaning: Money
Radical: 钅
Stokes: 10
Traditional: 錢
Common words/Phrase:
钱包 qián bāo] 【purse】
钱柜 qián guì] 【money locker】
钱币 qián bì] 【coin】
钱财 qián cái] 【lucre
钱庄 qián zhuāng]【native bank